URANIAN readings + PSYCHOLOGICAL insight

eight armed cross

Midpoints are an incredible tool for self-discovery and insight.

+ I now offer: Uranian/Symmetrical/Hamburg School/Cosmobiological readings.

Our astrology chart reflects our experience. Midpoints provide an even more detailed, nuanced view of our experiences. There are themes and patterns within each of us that are present throughout our entire lifetime. And at other times a distinct story or theme emerges as an event (outer experience) or an inner experience. At all times there are several themes, motifs, and processes unfolding simultaneously.

Some topics and patterns overlap and combine (a shared midpoint structure) which creates a wildly potent, very personalized motif. Sometimes a theme or event acts as a trigger for the literal or symbolic (exterior or interior) manifestation of an important matter, feeling, process, or time in your life. Through examining midpoints, planetary pictures, antiscia—and the myriad of timing techniques which accompany these methods—we can get a good sense of what is currently up for you, and how to work with it.

Midpoints conduct and guide energy. Like the apex of a T-square, they are focal or funnel points for planetary significations.

As symmetrical astrologers we work with direct and indirect midpoints, the latter some claim to be slightly less intense (I do not find this to be true when exact). Antiscia fall under this domain as they are simply midpoints around the four cardinal turning points (the equinoctial and solstitial axes). The cardinal points are sometimes just called the Aries Point—and are literally the sun's nodes. Actually, to be more precise, zero Aries is the ascending node of the sun while zero Libra marks the descending node, which puts the solstice points at 'the bendings' (or square) to the sun's nodes. [A topic that deserves deeper examination at another time.] The sun and its nodes are important because they are two of the six personal points we as Uranian astrologers are most concerned with. The moon and its nodes, the Ascendant, and the Midheaven are the other four. These are always thoughtfully examined in a reading.

There are also planetary pictures to analyze. (Midpoints are pictures as well.) A completed planetary picture is like a closed circuit statement, it speaks to major themes in a person's life. Planetary pictures are periodically triggered by transits or other timing methods, or across charts in synastry, and when this occurs it is often significant. There are also incomplete pictures (a.k.a. Parts or Lots) which seek a transit or other direction (or another person, i.e., synastry) to set off their significations. While transits and directions are fated (timing is predetermined), how we react, and with whom we relate, is within our control.

In the Uranian system we also sometimes employ the TNPs (TransNeptunian Planets) for nuanced delineation. 
Read how Alfred Witte, the creator of the system, discovered them in this article

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Planetary Pictures or 'Lots' always create an isosceles trapezoid shape in the chart

the center of these midpoints is a significant axis


signs that reflect one other across the Solstice (Antiscia) and equinox (Contra-antiscia)

to Create midpoints focused on the cardinal axis or “Aries POint”
( = World stage) expression in the world

I now offer symmetrical/midpoint readings as a focus for chart work (75-minute consultation available for $150). The aim for this consultation is to discern a number of primary themes in your life, and determine which factors and motifs are emerging now through midpoints, planetary pictures, antiscia, and several key timing techniques.

I look forward to working with you!

The Power of Antiscia Video Lecture

The complete multi-media presentation of the talk I gave at the United Astrology Conference (UAC) 2012 is available. Please contact me if you'd like to access the video. 

Please contact me for the password to view this video lecture.

Please contact me for the password to view this video lecture.

Antisica in action:

On the day I gave the talk (my first public lecture on antiscia) the transiting Sun and transiting Mercury were actually in precise antiscion to both my natal Sun and Mercury! -- and so pulled my Sun Mercury into the cardinal axis. As I didn't schedule the time, it was a surprise to learn. 

In the talk I outline what antiscia is - as well as why and how to use it. I offer a historical context, and give directions for calculating antiscia, in addition to applying it to many modern musicians, comics, and politician charts. Example charts begin at the 41 minute mark.


What's happening in Japan?!

I've been writing on facebook this week, since the earthquake, that I thought there would be more in store for Japan. This is because there have been some major planetary energies joining the picture. First, and quite importantly, Mars has been running with Saturn on the cardinal axis--the world's stage--in addition to Uranus. At its worst the energy of Mars Saturn brings interruption and forced separation, sickness, and destruction (which we've already seen), and at its best, discipline and endurance. With Uranus though - added is an element of shock or surprise.

Saturn is also aligned with Zeus (TNP), now through September, and while Mars was meeting up with Saturn he was also having his dance with Zeus. Zeus is a point that represents explosives, fire, even nuclear threat.... especially with a combination like Mars + Saturn = Uranus (!). Saturn Zeus on its own can symbolize a lack of work (as Zeus = machines), the breakdown of machines (or Unions?), loss from fire, oppression, and so on. For this time though I think these particular combos are/were definitely pointing to major nuclear energy issues and explosions. 

Late last week, as I was considering Uranus' ingress into Aries (which only happens every 84 years), I was looking on the 90 degree dial--often used for event oriented astrology--and noted this important Mars Saturn combo. The next day, off the coast of Sendai on March 11, 2011, the earthquake happened. Following that, a terribly destructive tsunami. And now some major nuclear issues. There are many astrological indicators that we can examine for what has occurred. My wish and hope for now and in the future is for astrologers to align (both amongst themselves and also with leaders in science and government), and utilize the many timing indicators astrology has to offer to prevent further damage or to potentially minimize it.  

From the chart of the earthquake there were quite literal expressions or indicators of what might follow. One indicator points specifically to issues with radiation. 

Notice at that moment, Poseidon was running precisely with the MC. Poseidon can represent spirituality and light--as in enlightenment, and people who are high-minded. (Consider how the Japanese are reacting to these catastrophes, with discipline and calm, there has been no looting.) Poseidon however may also indicate radiation here. 

And there are several combinations here that describe an earthquake exactly. Most of them include Uranus, sometimes Zeus or Admetos. Admetos symbolizes the beginning or end of life, things underground or coming from the ground, and raw beginnings. 

One combo: Sun + Uranus - Aries = Sun (which is the timer for the "day")

Another is: Uranus + Zeus - Hades = Moon  (which is the timer for the "hour")

A third: Aries + Zeus - Admetos = AS/Mercury (which is the "minute")

And finally (and powerfully): Uranus + Admetos = Admetos (+ Jupiter)

This last combination is frighteningly descriptive. Alfred Witte's "Rules for Planetary Pictures" states:

"Sudden rupture-like separation. Shock commotion. Destruction through convulsion. Earthquake..".

I don't know what to say or do in the midst of watching events like these transpire, as we are all witness to much difficulty. I hope the energy of that Mars Saturn will compel people to do what's right and act with integrity, strength, and fortitude.

My personal hope is that astrology will be taken more seriously in the world; utilized to prevent or minimize damage in events like these. We could be participating in changing the way we help and serve people all over the planet.