the north node is not the path for everyone

image: Thomas Wright, An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe, 1750.

image: Thomas Wright, An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe, 1750.

There is a generalized interpretation of the lunar nodes in “western” astrology: that to move forward in one’s evolutionary journey one must follow the north node. This may be true — or it may not be. Culturally speaking there are big differences between the north and south nodes depending on astrology systems. Both are shadowy eclipse points. Both block light and have a smoky, shady, unclear quality about them. With Rahu (the north node) we find a hunger to acquire and / or possess, sometimes veering on insatiable. With Ketu (the south) there is a chronic dissatisfaction and irritation with imperfections pertaining to topics tied to its placement. One might call it divine discontentment.

Where Rahu resides there can be excessive materialism and materiality. Indeed, our culture still celebrates increase and acquisition at nearly any cost — no matter how destructive, underhanded, or essentially bad this may be for the native themself or others. Rahu does indicate where we are meant to stretch ourselves, explore the unknown. But we know to achieve success at one side of any polarity is never the whole story. Nor does it equate to a state of inner equilibrium or holism.

It could be said that to truly move along one’s path and evolve, we must achieve balance. With Rahu’s location in our chart we need to release fears and forge ahead anyway, while remaining mindful about going to extremes with blind and endless desires for: wealth-2nd house, family or happiness-4th house, partners-7th house, status and recognition-10th house, escape-12th house. In turn we may find, paradoxically, a state of peaceful surrender and total satisfaction specifically where and with what Ketu (the oft dreaded south node) represents: a quiet contentment with our self-1st house, family-4th, daily responsibilities-6th, partner’s contribution-8th, career-10th, and so on. This is why in the Indian tradition Ketu is associated with the path of liberation, resolution, or Moksha.

Food for thought….

If you know which houses Rahu and Ketu reside in your chart, does this resonate? Leave a comment if you like.

Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on. —E.Tolle


A time to contemplate impermanence.  

Francesca Woodman from Angel Series

Today: retrograde Mercury reconnects to Saturn in Scorpio near the north node of the Moon. (The lunar nodes are the eclipse points.) Saturn is the planet of truth. The Babylonians called Saturn Ninurta, and he held the tablets of fate and was known as the overseer of destiny. Mercury, known to the Babylonians as Nabu, was thought of as the scribe to the Gods. Mercury rules over communication, thinking, media, and marketing. At this time, governmental surveillance is further exposed and truths are emerging about the reality of the environmental predicament we are facing on earth, a predicament observable in our increasingly strange weather patterns and extreme storms, with likely more coming; news of 'nightmare' bugs and bacteria; and Fukushima's not impossible apocalyptic scenario. These facts coming to light will make many feel uneasy. Mercury Saturn is serious or deep thinking, and can be experienced literally as bleak news or a depressing state of mind. It is philosophical—exploring the depths and fundamental reality of things.

I think it is important to go further into the experience on a personal level now. Don't turn away from it. Use this time to really contemplate what gives your life meaning. Be honest, if only with yourself. Despair can be generative, but to what end? It is a time for facing the truth squarely, so that we can open the door to innovative ideas and stand up for what we know is right and just. And live well, live better. Treat others better. Our survival depends on it. There is no time other than now. 

Mercury Saturn connect @ 13°19 Scorpio, today, October 29th. 
Mercury Sun connect @ 9°34 Scorpio when Uranus Pluto square perfects, Friday, November 1st. 
Mercury Node connect at the time of the Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse @ 11°15 Scorpio, Sunday, November 3rd.  

Mercury Saturn conjunction today (Seattle)                      Upcoming Eclipse chart for Washington, DC 

From the Omens of Babylon: Astrology and Ancient Mesopotamia (1994) Michael Baigent
The Combination of Stellar Influences (1972) Reinhold Ebertin

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How Science is telling us to revolt
Arctic News


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