Antiscia and the Thema Mundi

An earlier version was published in December 2014.

an energetic alliance that can be easily observed and/or experienced

Why are connections by antiscia so obscure in astrology? — and why do most astrologers still consider these contacts second-rate aspects at best? … having some merit, but certainly not as meaningful as the Ptolemaic aspects: sextile, square, trine, and opposition.

Antiscia are reflections around the solstice and equinox points. They are symmetries based on the sharing of time and light. They are natural and simple. And they are anchored to the undeniably potent reset moment that is the Cardinal Axis. I think excluding them from having conjunction/aspect status is in error.


Antiscia in the Thema Mundi

I made a discovery many years ago while working with antiscia, and simultaneously studying Hellenistic and Persian astrology. I found antiscia shows up in the all-important Thema Mundi, a hypothetical chart of the world and teaching tool. This was something I’d never heard anyone mention before. Nor had I encountered it in the ancient texts that reference antiscia. I was astonished, and pleased to see the very obvious statement it makes.

You will see in the diagram below I’ve arranged the planets in their places of exaltation. I have noted the aspects that connect each planet back to their respective domiciles (signs). You can see both the nocturnal planets, Venus and Mars, connect to one of their domiciles by sextile. And the the diurnal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, connect to one theirs by trine. If you look to the lights, Sun and Moon, you’ll note they each connect by trine and sextile back to their respective domiciles. Which sets up a schema:

diurnal = trine | nocturnal = sextile

Then you’ll see how the malefics (and Mercury) connect to the other of its domiciles by square — and that each benefic, Venus and Jupiter, connects to the other of their respective signs by antiscia or contra-antiscia (known as the seeing and hearing signs to the ancients).

malefic = square | benefic = antiscia

All planets connect in two ways through two aspects.

Because malefics connect through a square aspect, and benefics through antiscia, I believe it is solid evidence for antiscia as a legitimate aspect, as well as describing the quality of the connection. And I find its presence in the Thema Mundi both profound and beautiful.

I believe aspects by antiscia are just as powerful as other aspects. Especially those in a close degree-based connection. (I suggest using a 4 degree orb—2 degrees on either side: applying and separating.)

As it is with the square, connections by antiscia and contra-antiscia cross boundaries and combine polarityhot|cold, dry|moist, active|passive, day|night, male|female. This makes the pairs dynamic and alive in the world, much like we see with a square. They are active. They are combinations that demand our attention: we must do something with them.

This co-mingling of sect or gender, and temperament, along with the symmetry around the four seasonal turning points, a.k.a. Cardinal Axis (see other articles), is indicative of a very potent pairing: an energetic alliance that can be easily observed and/or experienced. 

"the cardinal points relate people to the world at large" 
 -Charles Jayne, crediting Alfred Witte

The particular antiscia and contra-antiscia connections shown above could also be viewed as an averse pairing. However, it is undoubtedly relevant that the associations shown in the scheme are indeed antiscia (seeing) and contra-antiscia (hearing) links. The ancients regarded them as relaying sympathy and reception. And they are after all conveyed through the two creative convivial planets, moist, fertile, connective, Venus and Jupiter.

These are also signs of sharing. Signs which share power (equal amount of light = antiscia), and ascensional or rising time (contra-antiscia).    


Seeing + Hearing

Signs that share light or “power” = antiscia
They fall equidistant around the Solstice points

Signs rising at the same speed = contra-antiscia
They are equidistant from the Equinox points

Example: for Hendrix the Moon in Cancer ‘sees’ Uranus in Gemini, they share power and light. The Sun in Sagittarius rises at the same speed as Jupiter in Cancer, they are said to ‘hear’ one another, and so there is sympathy and friendship.

“And so, if any stars do not aspect each other in the orderly arrangement of the nativity, it must be inquired whether they are connected to each other by the associated aspect of antiscions. For when they have sent their antiscions thus, they are connected with each other through their antiscions just as [much as] by a trine or square or opposition or sextile aspect...”
-Julius Firmicus Maternus, 4th century astrologer 
in Book 2 Chapter 30 of the Mathesis (Holden translation, 2011) 

“Signs that are disjunct but having sympathy for each other are all the equal-rising signs, and those having equal power, and those of like zone. For example, equal-rising are Aries and Pisces, Gemini and Capricorn, Cancer and Sagittarius, Virgo and Libra; of equal power are Gemini and Cancer, Virgo and Aries, Libra and Pisces, Sagittarius and Capricorn; of like zone are Taurus with Libra, Aries with Scorpio. 

...with the joint risings of the signs and the joint ascensions of the stars...
friendships and sympathies of men and women, and parents and brothers, and friends and slaves.”

-Rhetorius of Egypt, 6th or 7th century, Ch.16 (Holden translation, 2009)

[disjunct signs] ... are the ones which belong neither to the class of commanding or obeying, beholding or of equal power...
— Claudius Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos Book 1.14-1.16

The presence of these aspects in the vitally important rulership and dignity schema, Thema Mundi, is a reality which should no longer be denied or dismissed. These points of connection have been overlooked for too long. It is time to fully embrace them and practice utilizing them in all forms of astrology!

There is much to uncover with antiscia! —See for yourself. ;-D

If you want to immerse yourself in this more, contact me for a mentoring session.
Or tune in to my recent talk for Kepler College (find the recording here).

A multimedia presentation available (approx. three hours in length):

. . .undeniably potent reset moment


the myth of power

A great deal of focus is usually placed on planetary strength in astrology. Yet this emphasis often misses the mark and muddles the picture.

Planets are frequently judged GOOD or BAD, and powerful or weak, through a few key interpretive principals: essential dignity (usually emphasized by sign only) or house position or proximity to the Sun or angularity or retrogradation. Any innocent bystander listening in on instagram, youtube, twitter, or possibly perusing whatever old or new book, would logically conclude that the best possible option for every planet in a chart is to BE STRONG. I’m here to tell you: that is flat wrong.

Especially when examining birth charts: everything depends on the rising sign. (…well, and consciousness.)

Everything changes when the ascending sign changes.


Because every sign is ruled by a planet and that planet cooperates better with particular other planets. One could call it planetary tribalism.

If all planets in the chart are strong. There will be a bloody war. And there are great examples of this. The first person who comes to mind is Jeffrey Dahmer. I’m not saying every. single. planet. in his chart was exceptionally strong by essential dignity (tropical zodiac), but a lot of them were, and they may’ve helped him wreak havoc.

As the ascendant sign changes in a chart, so do the other house cusps. (I use whole signs for the zodiac sign/houses and their “lords” counted from the ascendant—AND I use Campanus for cuspal point details: i.e. where cusps actually fall in particular zodiac sign/houses.)

This means one Venus ruled ascendant is always different from the other Venus ruled ascendant. Taurus rising shares its lordship with the sixth sign/house. Libra shares its with the eighth (as was the case for Dahmer). Both have their challenges. ;-) Don’t we all.

The best planet for both of these ascendants is actually Saturn, ruling an angle and a trine in each chart.

Saturn loves Venus. No one really likes Saturn (as Saturn starves all the other planets). But this is for another time. I mean, Mercury and Venus are always friends to Saturn it’s just that he (she/they) squeezes them too hard—and makes them feel a little parched.

Jupiter and Saturn are kind of okay. I think Jupiter can tolerate the pinching, due to its corpulence. But again everything changes with proximity, creating temporal friendships and the like. Best for another time as well.

The little point I’m here to make today is this: certain signs rising will have certain other signs ruling the trines in the chart, and those places/themes/planets are simply more beneficial and easier to navigate. Angular rulers come into play here too, but require more thoughtful examination.

When certain planets are lords of all the other places, specifically the houses that bring us to our knees—or to spirituality, meditation, our therapist, other forms of self-understanding, or the necessity to cultivate inner peace and freedom—well, we call those the difficult houses. Specifically these are the 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th. The 2nd is somewhat neutral; the 11th can get you in plenty of trouble (sixth from the sixth), or via egoic fame-seeking; and the 7th, the setting place, is a bit naughty, it depends.

Every house has its benefits, just with some you must work harder, pay your dues. Mastery doesn’t come easy.

Point is, for particular rising signs certain planets are notoriously more difficult. And if those planets are strong, well, I’m sorry that’s a bummer. One will likely want to remediate—ie., selfless service or charitable giving are some of the most potent effective ways to work this out—and how or to whom is determined by those planets’ significations. Venus = women, girls, arts; Moon = mothers, babies, public ___ ; Saturn = elderly or impoverished, hungry, disabled, or even animal rescue; Mars = veterans, etc..

If you have (or a loved one has) a chart where the planets ruling the trinal houses (5th/9th) are strengthened by those factors such as: own sign, free from combustion, retrogradation, difficult aspect, or near an angle or whatnot, it is indeed a cause for celebration.

And it is worth adding, if you or your loved one ;-) has the more complicated planets weakened by an absence of those strengthening factors, it is also cause for celebration. Sometimes having the most difficult planets burned to a crisp via combustion, or hidden away unaspected in a darker house, instead of out bullying others in public, is not such a bad thing at all.

I mean there are ways to work with our more difficult placements, of course! Most of us are already doing a fine job. But an over-emphasis on strength without noting the full picture—like, do we want that particular planet strong anyway?!—is negligent astrology. Don’t get me started. There’s so much of it.

We must celebrate small victories and discoveries, or massive ones. If I just illuminated something for you that brought a sense of relief or understanding, or prompts you to dig deeper, awesome! If you need help taking it further for yourself or within your work, feel free to reach out via consultation or mentorship.

As always, you are welcome to comment below.

Take care.

URANIAN readings + PSYCHOLOGICAL insight

eight armed cross

Midpoints are an incredible tool for self-discovery and insight.

+ I now offer: Uranian/Symmetrical/Hamburg School/Cosmobiological readings.

Our astrology chart reflects our experience. Midpoints provide an even more detailed, nuanced view of our experiences. There are themes and patterns within each of us that are present throughout our entire lifetime. And at other times a distinct story or theme emerges as an event (outer experience) or an inner experience. At all times there are several themes, motifs, and processes unfolding simultaneously.

Some topics and patterns overlap and combine (a shared midpoint structure) which creates a wildly potent, very personalized motif. Sometimes a theme or event acts as a trigger for the literal or symbolic (exterior or interior) manifestation of an important matter, feeling, process, or time in your life. Through examining midpoints, planetary pictures, antiscia—and the myriad of timing techniques which accompany these methods—we can get a good sense of what is currently up for you, and how to work with it.

Midpoints conduct and guide energy. Like the apex of a T-square, they are focal or funnel points for planetary significations.

As symmetrical astrologers we work with direct and indirect midpoints, the latter some claim to be slightly less intense (I do not find this to be true when exact). Antiscia fall under this domain as they are simply midpoints around the four cardinal turning points (the equinoctial and solstitial axes). The cardinal points are sometimes just called the Aries Point—and are literally the sun's nodes. Actually, to be more precise, zero Aries is the ascending node of the sun while zero Libra marks the descending node, which puts the solstice points at 'the bendings' (or square) to the sun's nodes. [A topic that deserves deeper examination at another time.] The sun and its nodes are important because they are two of the six personal points we as Uranian astrologers are most concerned with. The moon and its nodes, the Ascendant, and the Midheaven are the other four. These are always thoughtfully examined in a reading.

There are also planetary pictures to analyze. (Midpoints are pictures as well.) A completed planetary picture is like a closed circuit statement, it speaks to major themes in a person's life. Planetary pictures are periodically triggered by transits or other timing methods, or across charts in synastry, and when this occurs it is often significant. There are also incomplete pictures (a.k.a. Parts or Lots) which seek a transit or other direction (or another person, i.e., synastry) to set off their significations. While transits and directions are fated (timing is predetermined), how we react, and with whom we relate, is within our control.

In the Uranian system we also sometimes employ the TNPs (TransNeptunian Planets) for nuanced delineation. 
Read how Alfred Witte, the creator of the system, discovered them in this article

celestial sky antiscia .jpg

Planetary Pictures or 'Lots' always create an isosceles trapezoid shape in the chart

the center of these midpoints is a significant axis


signs that reflect one other across the Solstice (Antiscia) and equinox (Contra-antiscia)

to Create midpoints focused on the cardinal axis or “Aries POint”
( = World stage) expression in the world

I now offer symmetrical/midpoint readings as a focus for chart work (75-minute consultation available for $150). The aim for this consultation is to discern a number of primary themes in your life, and determine which factors and motifs are emerging now through midpoints, planetary pictures, antiscia, and several key timing techniques.

I look forward to working with you!

the north node is not the path for everyone

image: Thomas Wright, An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe, 1750.

image: Thomas Wright, An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe, 1750.

There is a generalized interpretation of the lunar nodes in “western” astrology: that to move forward in one’s evolutionary journey one must follow the north node. This may be true — or it may not be. Culturally speaking there are big differences between the north and south nodes depending on astrology systems. Both are shadowy eclipse points. Both block light and have a smoky, shady, unclear quality about them. With Rahu (the north node) we find a hunger to acquire and / or possess, sometimes veering on insatiable. With Ketu (the south) there is a chronic dissatisfaction and irritation with imperfections pertaining to topics tied to its placement. One might call it divine discontentment.

Where Rahu resides there can be excessive materialism and materiality. Indeed, our culture still celebrates increase and acquisition at nearly any cost — no matter how destructive, underhanded, or essentially bad this may be for the native themself or others. Rahu does indicate where we are meant to stretch ourselves, explore the unknown. But we know to achieve success at one side of any polarity is never the whole story. Nor does it equate to a state of inner equilibrium or holism.

It could be said that to truly move along one’s path and evolve, we must achieve balance. With Rahu’s location in our chart we need to release fears and forge ahead anyway, while remaining mindful about going to extremes with blind and endless desires for: wealth-2nd house, family or happiness-4th house, partners-7th house, status and recognition-10th house, escape-12th house. In turn we may find, paradoxically, a state of peaceful surrender and total satisfaction specifically where and with what Ketu (the oft dreaded south node) represents: a quiet contentment with our self-1st house, family-4th, daily responsibilities-6th, partner’s contribution-8th, career-10th, and so on. This is why in the Indian tradition Ketu is associated with the path of liberation, resolution, or Moksha.

Food for thought….

If you know which houses Rahu and Ketu reside in your chart, does this resonate? Leave a comment if you like.

Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on. —E.Tolle

Elements of Horror

John Carpenter

John Carpenter


Night Chart  


Saturn Node + Pisces Moon
(Saturn at bendings of Nodes; Moon in final degree and third decan of Pisces, and bounds of Saturn) 

Prominent Neptune (rising) film, imagination, the unreal and projected
+ Uranus on Midheaven (shock factor) 

Moon Neptune  parallel southern declination
~ film, illusion, prophecy, music

Sun Hades  square
(Sun in square to the wonderfully notorious TNP, Hades, ruling secrets, decay, catastrophes, garbage, death, murder)

Mars Rising  above Ascendant
(in Mars' bounds) in technical Virgo (Mars with its natural cutting/cathartic attributes inhabits the mental sphere of the whole sign first house)

Mars Neptune  =  Ascendant (midpoint)
~ the will directed toward fantasy and the arts

Sun in cold, dry Capricorn  (by night)  in the fifth house of Venus' Joy: arts, music, fortune
(Sun tightly connected ‘sees’ the Ascendant by trine)

Moon in Setting Place  (seventh house) and increasing in light
Waxing = gains in place of setting sun (death)

Saturn Awards  Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films ~ and for Best Music :  
Listen to John Carpenter here.


As always, there's so much more to say . . .