the north node is not the path for everyone

image: Thomas Wright, An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe, 1750.

image: Thomas Wright, An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe, 1750.

There is a generalized interpretation of the lunar nodes in “western” astrology: that to move forward in one’s evolutionary journey one must follow the north node. This may be true — or it may not be. Culturally speaking there are big differences between the north and south nodes depending on astrology systems. Both are shadowy eclipse points. Both block light and have a smoky, shady, unclear quality about them. With Rahu (the north node) we find a hunger to acquire and / or possess, sometimes veering on insatiable. With Ketu (the south) there is a chronic dissatisfaction and irritation with imperfections pertaining to topics tied to its placement. One might call it divine discontentment.

Where Rahu resides there can be excessive materialism and materiality. Indeed, our culture still celebrates increase and acquisition at nearly any cost — no matter how destructive, underhanded, or essentially bad this may be for the native themself or others. Rahu does indicate where we are meant to stretch ourselves, explore the unknown. But we know to achieve success at one side of any polarity is never the whole story. Nor does it equate to a state of inner equilibrium or holism.

It could be said that to truly move along one’s path and evolve, we must achieve balance. With Rahu’s location in our chart we need to release fears and forge ahead anyway, while remaining mindful about going to extremes with blind and endless desires for: wealth-2nd house, family or happiness-4th house, partners-7th house, status and recognition-10th house, escape-12th house. In turn we may find, paradoxically, a state of peaceful surrender and total satisfaction specifically where and with what Ketu (the oft dreaded south node) represents: a quiet contentment with our self-1st house, family-4th, daily responsibilities-6th, partner’s contribution-8th, career-10th, and so on. This is why in the Indian tradition Ketu is associated with the path of liberation, resolution, or Moksha.

Food for thought….

If you know which houses Rahu and Ketu reside in your chart, does this resonate? Leave a comment if you like.

Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on. —E.Tolle

Elements of Horror

John Carpenter

John Carpenter


Night Chart  


Saturn Node + Pisces Moon
(Saturn at bendings of Nodes; Moon in final degree and third decan of Pisces, and bounds of Saturn) 

Prominent Neptune (rising) film, imagination, the unreal and projected
+ Uranus on Midheaven (shock factor) 

Moon Neptune  parallel southern declination
~ film, illusion, prophecy, music

Sun Hades  square
(Sun in square to the wonderfully notorious TNP, Hades, ruling secrets, decay, catastrophes, garbage, death, murder)

Mars Rising  above Ascendant
(in Mars' bounds) in technical Virgo (Mars with its natural cutting/cathartic attributes inhabits the mental sphere of the whole sign first house)

Mars Neptune  =  Ascendant (midpoint)
~ the will directed toward fantasy and the arts

Sun in cold, dry Capricorn  (by night)  in the fifth house of Venus' Joy: arts, music, fortune
(Sun tightly connected ‘sees’ the Ascendant by trine)

Moon in Setting Place  (seventh house) and increasing in light
Waxing = gains in place of setting sun (death)

Saturn Awards  Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films ~ and for Best Music :  
Listen to John Carpenter here.


As always, there's so much more to say . . . 


Aries Ingress 2017

You've seen the Aries Ingress [Equinox] chart for 2017? 

Chart set for Washington, DC

b r u t a l .

"On the calamities of the year". . . 

Note Neptune rising on the local Ascendant. Deception? Disillusionment, confusion, leaks, drugs, oil, oceans...... And the partile (exact) conjunction of the Moon applying to out of sect Saturn (by 4 minutes arc) in the tenth house of government and those in command. Domicile (sign) ruler of the Ascendant and Midheaven, Jupiter, is retrograde in Libra in the eighth house. Bound lord (and exaltation lord) of the Ascendant, Venus, is also retrograde, combust, and in detriment in Aries.

Excerpts from Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences:

Principle:  An impressionable person.
Psychological Correspondence:
+  Impressionability, sensitiveness, a sympathetic or compassionate and innate understanding of other people.
-  A lack of resistance and stamina, the inability to maintain one's place or position in the world, the inclination to be influenced by others, moodiness. 
C  The inability to gain success in life, the tendency to lay oneself open to exploitation by other people thus serving as a willing tool for the achievement of other people's selfish purposes, the act of deceiving or cheating others.
Biological Correspondence:  Illusions or deceptions of the senses. - "Skin crawling."
Sociological Correspondence:  Insincere people, liars, crooks. - Sensitives, mediums. 
Probable Manifestations: 
+  Becoming dominated by or subjected to the influence of other people, the inclination to make strange or peculiar contacts with other people. 
-  An abuse or betrayal of confidence, falsehood, deceit, the experience of disappointment and disillusionment.

Neptune in House I:  Hypersensitiveness, confusion, a person without aims or objectives, insane and mad ideas. 

Principle: Self-control. 
Psychological Correspondence:  
+  The control of the feelings, self-control, thoughtfulness, the feeling of selfhood, a sense of duty, care and attention, circumspection or considerateness, conscientiousness. 
-  Uncommunicativeness, feelings of inferiority, changes of mood, melancholy, self-will, anxiety, lack of self-confidence, mirthlessness, the fear of being compromised or exposed by indiscreet action. 
C  Self-control, abstemiousness, thrift, selfishness, the tendency to grumble or to find fault. 
Sociological Correspondence:  Inhibited, lonely and sad people. The lonely woman or mother. 
Probable Manifestations: 
+  The tendency or inclination to build upon the tradition of the family or vocation, inherited or assigned positions, difficult advancement in life, often alone in life. 
-  Disadvantages or worries through the family, psychical depressions, estrangement or separation from the wife or mother, isolation. 

From my perspective, one of the best possible manifestations of Neptune rising here in the US is that we might expect to see arts, artists, musicians, etc., front and center this year. (Please let it not be ALL ABOUT OIL. Ugh.) 

As for Moon Saturn, you also get: a depressed populace
I don't know about you, but I am down. in. the. dumps. with regards to our post-fact, anti-science, alternative-whatever this so-called leadership is promoting. Propaganda continues to be rampant, and people are stressed.

From the 8th century Persian astrologer, Masha'Allah's work: On the Revolution of the Years of the World

Chapter 37: On the calamities of the year

Know that the year will be made severe. if there were malefics in the part of the upper circle, and in the northern part, and especially if Mars committed his own disposition to Saturn: because Saturn signifies grave things, and long-lasting ones, concerning the appearance of detriment in the earth, and the weakness of the king, and the taking away of faith and religion; and robberies will be multiplied, and contentions, and especially if one of the malefics were in the Midheaven. 

And in addition, look at the Moon: because if she committed her own disposition to Saturn from the lower part of the subterranean circle, it signifies tribulation and detriment and the changing of the kingdom. And if the Moon pushed her light to Saturn, and were with him [in the same sign] or in the square aspect or in the opposition, it will be that much worse. 

And look likewise at the Sun just as you have looked at the Moon: because if he were received, it signifies the fitness of evil.

And know that the benefics signify the loosening of evil, and its taking away, if they were strong in their place, having good testimony. And if they were direct, they signify good and fitness. . . .

Looks like quite a year ahead. 

Finally, a couple of Uranian methods reiterate issues with oil and war and faulty leadership on the 360 dial. 
Please take care. 


Neptune ZEUS
Gas war, unsuccessful war leaders , defeats, Impotence, Failure, exploding gas, Liquid fuel
= Aries + Sun

With Jupiter
productive oil wells, Luck in Alcohol

(per Alfred Witte) 

new moon 1.27.2017

the new moon at 8 degrees 15 minutes Aquarius
sits on the south node (eclipse point) of the USA (Sibley) chart
and is also at the midpoint of the currently exact Venus Saturn square
happening while Mars approaches the Aries point by just 10 minutes of arc
(Mars on the cardinal axis) is in opposition to the USA midheaven

kate petty nm 2017

Pluto continues to transit the USA ascendant by antiscia (it resides in its shadow point)
while transiting Saturn currently reflects USA's Jupiter by contra-antiscia
and Uranus continues its transit over USA's Chiron



Yes, this says Fuck You: to a fake and wicked inauguration

Yes, this says Fuck You: to a fake and wicked inauguration

the resistance carries on . . . 
and work for a real revolution is underway


10 Astrology Habits to Break

1. Using the Astrological Alphabet 

Whether you learned this from a teacher or read it in a book, please stop limiting yourself with the application of sign = planet = house style rulership. Indeed, Aries is the domain of Mars, and Taurus the domain of Venus (and on it goes). BUT this does not mean Aries/Mars is the same thing as the first house. It's simply not. A planet associated with war and separation does not equate to the house of Life, Body, Spirit. And Taurus/Venus does not equal the second house of your income (Jupiter is actually the planet pertaining to wealth). Scorpio is not equivalent to the eighth, Aquarius is not a stand in for the eleventh, Pisces is not interchangeable with the twelfth. 

Aries may be the first sign of the zodiac, if you work that way. But there are other ways to work, and other perspectives to take. For instance, Capricorn could be the first sign of the zodiac: when it is darkest in the northern hemisphere, think of a gestating seed; or if that feels limited, when the sun has bottomed out and begins its travel upwards (from our perspective on earth) from its most southerly declination at the Tropic of Capricorn. Which is also close to the rotational center of the Milky Way—the Galactic Center.

Or you might want to think of the sign Cancer as the first position. As it is the first house in the all-important Thema Mundi (see the diagram below). Vettius Valens, in his Anthology from the second century, writes: it is the house of the moon, feminine, solstitial, the Ascendant to the universe

With the Thema Mundi in mind, consider Jupiter's exaltation in Cancer (life giving and life promoting) versus Mars' exaltation in Capricorn (the seventh sign, and traditional house of death: the place of the setting sun). And Libra on the fourth, Saturn's place of exaltation: under ground, under earth, the crypt — also one's family, parents, origins, history, ancestors. Even Valens notes: “a diminisher of estates, the Lower Midheaven of the universe…” And Aries upon the tenth, where of course the Sun is exalted and shines maximally in its culmination: “the Midheaven of the universe and the cause of rank.”  Sexy Scorpio as the fifth sign; divinatory dream-rich Pisces on the ninth; Aquarius, Saturn's domain (a planet of death) on the eighth; and so on.

Give it thought. Expand your vision, exercise your mind, and end the habit. 

2. Outer Planet Rulership 

In my view it's absurd to even think about ruining the perfection and intelligence of this cosmic symmetry (above). If you still think Aquarius is ruled by Uranus—why? Why the willfulness and defensiveness around it. Actually, that may provide a clue in itself. If you have Aquarius on an important angle in your chart, or your Sun or Moon is there, and you just can't see yourself as Saturnian, you may possess a limited and mostly unfortunate view of Saturn. Please see Joseph Crane's Liberating Uranus and Aquarius

As for Mars and Scorpio, do you think it's okay to strip Mars of its transformational qualities? I don't. I doubt Mars does either. Please participate in restoring Mars' wildly potent transmutational and revolutionary sides. Much of this quality comes in and through this planet's connection to the sign Scorpio. Pluto does its own thing; sometimes very unrelated to Scorpio. Think about it.  

Same goes with Pisces and Jupiter. This is the sign of arts and music and great love, precisely because it is the exaltation of VENUS. And it's the sign of spirituality and dreams and exploring the collective psyche and unconscious, because it is the domain of Jupiter. Neptune conveys a few things related, sure, like with film and projected images (tied to the timing of its discovery). But we all know Neptune can signify a lot more than that, sometimes quite troublesome, nebulous, deceitful and draining in nature (significations taken from Saturn, honestly). These are habits of correlation that Pisces and Jupiter (and I) would like to see end. 

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto each mean so much more than what could possibly be derived from the zodiac signs. These are trans-personal, outer planets for a reason. They have more to offer, and to tell us, much like the asteroids actually. They govern over extremes and surprises, genius, and utter destruction, topics and areas that simply transcend the day to day experiences symbolized by the zodiac signs. Please liberate them from this treatment. 

3. Essentially Dignified Planets are always Awesome

So you have a planet in its own sign huh? Before your ego expands to wild dimension, I'd just like to remind you, so did Jeffrey Dahmer, FOUR of them. 

We say a planet that is essentially dignified has the power to do what it wants. It is the master of its domain. That may or may not be good for the native—and that may or may not be good for anyone else. A planet with power to do what it wants does not equate to doing the right thing or being very conscious, conscientious, aware, caring, or enlightened. A planet in its own domicile is actually, in a way, potentially limited, as it is focused on what it signifies (the planet/sign/house) sometimes to the exclusion of other topics (planets/signs/houses). So, without reception and aspects, or depending on the type available, these planets can sometimes signify a ruthless single-mindedness (and selfishness), and can lack communication with -or act supportive to- other areas of life or people or within oneself as signified in the chart. 

Also, if you're examining one of those oh-so important planets in their sign of exaltation—please remember that its dispositor is incredibly important. It literally has the power to make or break whatever this lucky planet signifies. Sometimes with a lack of continued coherence and support (or when in bad company) you'll see an exalted planet (person signified) behave in bombastically arrogant and ignorant ways, depending on what it rules or where it's posited. Additionally, a planet's immediate sign and house position is thought to signify the way something starts out, and where it disposits shows how the matter evolves or ends. So exalted planets that lead to less 'dignified' places, or lack reception, tell us a lot about where this matter is going . . . maybe nowhere.

A kind of natural confidence is usually what I think when I see dignified or exalted planets, but egoic problems and arrogance can ensue, especially in our culture where narcissism is rampant and a lack of compassion and empathy is pretty much encouraged. Please check your feeling of superiority. No one is finished with their work on this planet, that's why we're here.

4. Final Dispositor FOLLY

A final or sole dispositor in the chart is not always helpful and it is certainly not necessarily nice. For instance, having a planet like Saturn in Capricorn or Mars in Aries as the one and only dispositor might require a bit (or a lot) of extra caution. These two especially seem to wreak havoc. Capricorn being the nocturnal sign for Saturn, a planet that prefers the light of the day—and so diurnal signs, to warm its cold dry bones; and Aries for Mars, a nocturnal planet which can use some cooling and grounding, provided by earthy or watery (yin) signs—can both be prone to a bit of bullying, cruelty, and power-plays if not mitigated and/or used consciously. 

It also helps to have reception, especially mutual, to break up the dispositing. Several dispositors are good, or loops between them. Unless a chart is working for a benefic (in an advantageous house), sometimes the focus of a final dispositor can bring one down or bulldoze over others with its nature and unlimited pursuit for power. Even a planet like Venus, as I've seen many times with charts of people with drug or food addictions, can cause a lot of trouble for the native. 

5. North Node is Karmic and MOST Important

Seriously, it's an eclipse point. And it is the head of the dragon, Rahu, for a reason. Look at Donald Drumpf. And the south node, Ketu, also an eclipse point, is the tail—a place of release and resolution to be sure, but also a place of gifts and otherworldly wisdom, mysticism and spiritual liberation. Please do more research if you actually think the south node is just a useless point to be ignored and left behind, and that the north is entirely holy and the only way to go. Maybe in a ruthless, obsessive, money-hungry, endlessly accumulating, addictive culture Rahu is king. I'd like to think there is more to life. 

As for karma, if it exists as we think, it is represented by the whole chart—not just the nodes, not just Saturn, not just the twelfth house, and definitely not Pluto alone. 

6. Hard Aspects Are Bad

Squares are productive. Squares blend polarity, like antiscia does (and unlike oppositions actually). Blending polarities: yin/yang, feminine/masculine, can be wildly energetic, creative, and fruitful. It conveys an attempt to make something complete and whole, or brand new. We all know nothing happens without pressure, without attraction or repulsion, love and strife. Squares move us.

Of course this doesn't mean all squares are created equal. Like with oppositions, and especially those in close degree-based aspect with malefics (specifically three degrees or less in orb), they can indeed be crunchy and cruel —also notable here: their house rulership, and/or superior position, and other players. 

7. Easy Aspects Are Good, Especially Grand Trines

Smooth flowing aspects are comfortable, compatible, and can be very lazy. Yes, they can show natural talent and luck. They can also show being at ease, or being in a big rut. Especially with the grand trine, it is ideal to have one factor (at least) in square aspect to another planet. Thank the gods if you do. Here's someone who, sadly, did not

8. There is Only One Kind of Reception: Mutual 

Astrologers need to note all kinds of reception, including one-sided and mixed. I am personally a huge fan of mixed reception and even reception with minor dignities (i.e. Bounds, Decanates, etc.). And I think it is the key to practicing really good astrology. Reception between planets in aspect tell us how and where things are actually working and where there is likely disfunction. If a planet is compatible, comfortable, and supported in its contact with another planet it's like it is saying Yes, let's do this. And if it is uncomfortable within the contact and rejecting what is offered (for instance an aspect with a planet in the aspecting planet's place of fall or detriment) it's saying, No thanks, I don't want what you have to offer. Of course this can work for good or ill, in both cases. A malefic can be strengthened for instance receiving an aspect from a planet in said malefic's domicile or exaltation sign, and without a lot of awareness, that might not be a good thing at all!

Noting these kinds of connections, and rejection, lends a lot of refinement to your chart reading. There is a specificity and nuance that comes alive when you spend time with it. A deep study and consideration of this is well worth your time and effort.  

A good article on this is at the Gryphon Astrology site.

9. Peregrine Planets are Useless 

LOL. As I've already stated in several points above, so much depends on how planets disposit, and how (and by whom) they are received. A planet without essential dignity can be mightily supported with the right kind of reception and connection through aspects (by degree and whole sign!). A 'wandering' (peregrine) planet may even be more integrated in the chart as it communicates with several areas and topics if it is well received by several planets. This sort of thing could prove fruitful and unifying for several areas of the life! Too many planets that are essentially dignified, and not in reception, are not communicating with one another. These cases naturally lead me to wonder about a kind of fragmentation in the chart (and personality). Parts not conversant are indeed telling us something.

10. Debilitated Planets are Ineffective

It is my working/learning opinion that a planet not 'well-placed' by sign (including being in its detriment or fall) can have much influence and power to protect and foster the topics for houses it sees that are under its domain for one thing. Additionally, as my colleague Charlie Obert wrote about recently, there is a very real, tangible effect that comes with time and effort spent learning to be effective in realms these planets signify. All is not lost. 

You'll want to take note, as iterated many times above, the ways in which these planets disposit and are received. These are not minor details. In fact, especially note their so-called minor dignities. You'll see a planet in its own bound, decante, etc., can and does equate to a lot more than minor efficacy and power in actual practice. Well-supported debilitated planets, imo, may point out more than just issues to work on, they are likely the path, the life's work, the point. Bless them. 

Be well. 

p.s. the notion of sex and the eighth house isn't entirely accurate . . . more on this at another time 

November News

unable to find photo credit

unable to find photo credit

This month I'll be presenting at the Astrology Restored conference in Cape Town, South Africa. I opted for a photo of Jimi Hendrix here because I'll be exploring his chart in one of my talks -- and November is his birth month! (See his natal chart below.) I've been a fan of his music since I was a kid. My mom had all his original records and we played them habitually. As a fellow Seattle native, Hendrix has always been a favorite inspiration.

Speaking of music, and not overtly astrological in nature but 'infused with the astrological emanations of the season,'  you might like to check out Frederick Woodruff's latest cosmix. Find it on AstroInquiry.

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, there's been an influx of interest and new membership for the Symmetrical Astrology facebook group. I'd love to keep the momentum going. Please feel free to find us, join in and participate! star among many..

Charlie Obert has another thoughtful piece up on his website on being aware of our worldview and values as astrologers. He points out how we "no longer have a single viewpoint, a single standard of values that is normative...." 

And that this requires "..a balanced perspective that emphasizes both the individual and the greater interactive whole. Not either/or, but both/and."

"The individual is not the one center of the Universe; equally, the individual is not reduced to one faceless atom in a larger collective, that forgoes its own point of view for the sake of the whole."

See his post: A Change in the Cosmos

Finally, here is the birth chart of Jimi Hendrix on the 360 degree dial: 

Note the many fabulous antiscia and contra-antiscia connections! That is a lot of excitement on the world's stage. The fact that all those planets are in aversion (i.e., not in Ptolemaic aspect, so cannot see one another), seems to speak to his particular sound and style. Planets in aversion, as Charlie Obert noted recently in his illuminating Kepler College webinar, can indicate a loss of control or awareness. Hendrix's guitar playing, in my opinion, always veered close to that edge of losing control. His style evoked the thrill of not knowing if something might completely fall apart -- or where it was headed. 

Note too that Hendrix's Venus sits right on the cardinal axis: 7.5 mutable is the midpoint between 15 fixed and the solstice point which gives it cardinal axis status. Later this month, transiting Saturn will come to this degree (near Hendrix's birthday, chart below) when it makes its first exact square with Neptune.

nov 27 2015.jpg

a Conference in Cape Town

I am delighted to announce I will be speaking at a very special upcoming conference: Astrology Restored in Cape Town, South Africa in November 2015.


From the event website

Astrology Restored: Bridging Epochs and Traditions is an exploration of astrology’s roots and ancient history, its development and expression over the millenia of its existence, its ‘flowering’ in Arabic and Medieval astrology, parallel to the evolution of Vedic astrology, and then the new innovations and insights modern Western astrology has contributed.

The renaissance of interest in ancient methods, the growing popularity of Jyotish in the West, and the innovations of modern Western astrology confront us with the task of integration and synthesis of the vast array of styles, schools, traditions and unique cultural manifestations of astrology. This conference hopes to contribute in some measure to that process.

During the conference there will be panel discussions on a variety of themes, and a visioning of the astrology of the future.

Shamballah is hosting the event and the site and surroundings are breathtaking. 

During the conference I will offer a workshop on how to approach midpoints and symmetry in the natal chart and am pleased to be giving a talk on antiscia! I also plan to be available for personal consultations.

You can find the chart for the opening ceremony for the conference on the Astrology Restored website. I wanted to also include a version of it here on the 360 dial. 

I personally love that the Ascendant and Midheaven (the fastest moving points) in this chart tie closely to important points in my own chart. I expect I will find this to be a profound experience and a magical place. 

Would love to see you there! 

Impressionistic Pisces + Symmetrical Reception

The Little House, Pierre-Auguste renoir 

I hope the current mutual generosity of Sun and Jupiter finds you well! I first heard astrologer Robert Hand use this term to describe when planets are in each other's domicile (sign or "home") but not in (Ptolemaic) aspect. When planets are in aspect and exchange signs they're in mutual reception. With Leo (Jupiter now) and Pisces (where the Sun resides until the Equinox on March 20), the signs are said to be in aversion -- meaning, they are turned away from one another and cannot see, therefore, support each other. Signs in aversion are signs that share no affinity. A mutual generosity is thought to add assistance however and lessen the lack of connection. I suspect planets in mutual generosity that are also in antiscia or contra-antiscia, for example [Jupiter in] Libra to [Venus in] Pisces, or Aries to Pisces in the instance below (especially when the aspect is applying) may be cases of perfect mutual reception. More on this in the future... 

While the Sun is in Pisces, I invite you to visit (or revisit) Deborah Houlding's stellar website and excellent resource: Skyscript. If you are new to the traditional concept of Jupiter as ruler of Pisces, I hope you'll take a moment to read about the qualities and inclinations associated with Pisces, like spirituality, impressionability, abundant creativity, boundlessness and so forth, and see how these unquestionably fall under Jupiter's domain. From Skyscript: 

"...pacifism only represents one element of Pisces' spiritual reputation. A deeper significance lies in the fact that the fish is a creature of the ocean, which since ancient times has been taken as the symbolic realm of emotional and spiritual energy that lies beneath physical existence, where all is connected and nothing moves without creating a tide of motion that pulls or pushes against another. The sea as the magna mater, the primary source, signifies the boundless essence of soulful creativity and elemental life force from which everything emerges and eventually returns. Fishes, as intrinsic parts of this fertile yet deeply mysterious realm, were regarded as sacred representations of the soul and the spiritual connection that animates society."

A Fence In The Forest

Today, February 25, marks the birthday of the prolific impressionist painter, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and I thought, while delivering monthly antiscia for March to you, I would take a moment to share an example of an upcoming contra-antiscia signature (and reception) we also find in Renoir's natal chart.

This planetary combination will occur March 4-5, when Venus in Aries reflects the Sun in Pisces. The contra-antiscion aspect (one of shared ascensional time) in Renoir's chart is applying, and so may be a perfect reception, and this particular reception is connecting planets to their places of exaltation: Sun connects to Venus in innovative and pioneering Aries (the Sun's exaltation), Venus connects to the Sun in romantic and inspired Pisces (Venus' exaltation). See Renoir's chart below. 

In his chart we also find Neptune, a planet of all things nebulous, placed dramatically on an angle: rising (see his chart on Astro Data Bank), and sitting at the all important 15 degree fixed point of Aquarius. These fixed points in the zodiac fall at the halfway point (or midpoint) of the 0 degree points of the cardinal signs (seasonal turning points), and, like planets in antiscia, they are strongly tied to the cardinal (world) axis. 

In addition to these planetary statements, you will notice while there are two planets in so-called detriment (Venus in Aries and Mercury in Pisces, also the sign of Mercury's fall) they disposit to two essentially dignified rulers: Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Sagittarius. In fact, all planets in Renoir's chart disposit to planets in their own homes! 

le poste at cagnes study

Hope you've enjoyed the more obscure and abstract landscape paintings I found by Renoir! See more than a thousand of his works here.. ( about abundance!) 

See the complete list of monthly antiscia for March.   

Antiscia in the Thema Mundi

Most astrologers regard antiscia and contra-antiscia as a second-rate aspect; a connection that may have merit, but certainly comes after the general "Ptolemaic" five (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition) in relevance and strength. I believe this exclusion may be in error, especially with degree-based connections.

In the diagram below I have arranged the planets in their places of exaltation and noted how those places connect to each planets' own domiciles. You can see both benefics, Venus and Jupiter, connect to one of their respective antiscia or contra-antiscia signs (known as seeing and hearing signs to the ancients). Each of the malefics (and Mercury) connects to one of its domiciles by square. The lights, Sun and Moon, connect by trine and sextile to their domiciles, which sets up a schema (diurnal = trine, nocturnal = sextile) for the other shared aspects: nocturnal planets Venus and Mars connect to their other domicile by sextile, and diurnal, Jupiter and Saturn, connect by trine. The shared square and antiscia aspects are obvious, and I believe meaningful. 

I hypothesize that aspects by antiscia are as powerful as other aspects, especially those in close degree-based situations. Like with the square, connections by antiscia and contra-antiscia cross boundaries and combine gender (female/male, yin/yang, passive/active, night/day). This makes the pairs dynamic and alive in the world, much like we see with a square. They are combinations that demand attention. We must do something with them. This co-mingling of gender along with the symmetry around the four seasonal turning points, or cardinal axis (see other articles), to me, is indicative of a very potent pairing, an energetic alliance that can be easily observed and/or experienced. 

"the cardinal points relate people to the world at large" 
 -Charles Jayne, crediting Alfred Witte

The antiscia connection here could also be viewed as a quincunx aspect, but it is undoubtedly relevant that the two exhibited are indeed an antiscia (seeing) and contra-antiscia (hearing) link. The ancients regarded these relationships as having sympathy and reception, and these are in fact signs which share equal daylight (antiscia) and ascensional or rising time (contra-antiscia).    

“And so, if any stars do not aspect each other in the orderly arrangement of the nativity, it must be inquired whether they are connected to each other by the associated aspect of antiscions. For when they have sent their antiscions thus, they are connected with each other through their antiscions just as [much as] by a trine or square or opposition or sextile aspect...”
-Julius Firmicus Maternus, 4th century astrologer 
in Book 2 Chapter 30 of the Mathesis (Holden translation, 2011)

“Signs that are disjunct but having sympathy for each other are all the equal-rising signs, and those having equal power, and those of like zone. For example, equal-rising are Aries and Pisces, Gemini and Capricorn, Cancer and Sagittarius, Virgo and Libra; of equal power are Gemini and Cancer, Virgo and Aries, Libra and Pisces, Sagittarius and Capricorn; of like zone are Taurus with Libra, Aries with Scorpio. 

...with the joint risings of the signs and the joint ascensions of the stars...
friendships and sympathies of men and women, and parents and brothers, and friends and slaves.”

-Rhetorius of Egypt, 6th or 7th century, Ch.16 (Holden translation, 2009)

The presence of these aspects in the planetary rulership and dignity schema (arising from the Thema Mundi) is an important reality which should not be dismissed or denied. It seems there is much more to uncover with antiscia! 

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(Updated: 12.12.14)