“The unlike is joined together, and from differences results the most beautiful harmony.”
Symmetry and Synthesis
The Aspect Anarchy and Harmony of Astrological Antiscia and Contra-Antiscia
Antiscia are reflections in the steps of the sun. Astrologers from antiquity to William Lilly regarded antiscia as unique aspects and used them to reveal hidden connections between signs. Do modern astrologers under-utilize antiscia because our popular tools obscure them, or were they lost in some historic transition? Join Kate, along with guest collaborator Ching Yee Chau, to explore what makes antiscia so special, why they’ve fallen out, ways to bring them back, and how to deepen your astrological practice with them.
The Greek term “scia” is the etymological root of antiscia, meaning “shadow” or “shade.” Antiscia bring signs together through reflection across the seasonal turning points. They are an expression of mirroring across intersections. They share light (antiscia) and time (contra-antiscia). And their presence in the Thema Mundi has profound implications. Understanding and applying antiscia will add substantively to your chart delineation. These equal arc openings will change the way you look at the space between things and broaden your overall view of core concepts in astrology.
This course is appropriate for beginning astrologers up to longtime practitioners. In fact, learning about antiscia and the cardinal axis is an invaluable aid when commencing one’s study of astrology.
Class 1
The Earth and Defining Antiscia
Demystifying antiscia. Why seasonal turning points (i.e., the cardinal axis) and symmetries in steps of the sun are so essential and fundamentally important in astrology. Experience the potency and visibility of planets in combination on the world axis.
Class 2
The Thema Mundi, Temperament and Symmetry, Sympathy and Holism
Diving deeper with antiscia and contra-antiscia in the Thema Mundi with temperament, we will see how signs of equal light and equal power operate as sympathetic, complimentary, and empowering. While signs sharing time unify and mix their seemingly contrary natures —evolving original creations from these frenetic and dynamic duos.
Class 3
Pairs as Archetypes and How They Show Up in the World
A modern mythopoetic exploration of the six antiscia and six contra-antiscia sign pairs through music, poetry, art, film, philosophy, world events, and mundane objects.
Class 4
Patterns of Place: Signs, Houses, and Ascensional Timing
There are important house patterns that connect and relate signs of equal power/light (antiscia) and equal ascension (a.k.a. contra-antiscia signs), making each ascendant sign unique. These can also be used to time ripening and activation in one’s life.
Class 5
Life Turning Points
Dynamic timing through secondary progressions, hidden transits, and solar arcs—and the reason to use any and all of these approaches with antiscia.
Class 6 (optional experiential session)
Optional integrative session for participants to join and share personal discoveries, ask questions, present homework material, and discuss theories and applications of antiscia. Includes guidance and demo of software utilization.
* Each class will be recorded for those unable to attend live.
Contact Kate with questions about this course. Sliding scale and BIPOC scholarships available.