Students of astrology who seek personalized support (long and short-term) are welcome here. Whether you would like assistance learning a specific technique, maybe one referenced on this site, or you are looking for ongoing generalized support—or would like to learn to read your own chart, I offer one-to-one private mentoring sessions.
It’s a Question & Answer type format. There is no assigned homework however I can advise materials (articles, books, software), as well as provide technical training in the use of several software programs including Solar Fire and Nova Chartwheels (I am dealer for both). Fee: $60 (30 minutes)
“It is with ease and encouragement that I recommend Kate as a teacher and coach of astrology, especially Hellenistic Astrology. I have worked exclusively with Kate for more than a year in a mentorship capacity. I came to her with a solid yet diverse basic background in Astrology. Kate’s extensive knowledge of esoteric concepts of Hellenistic Astrology has made my personal knowledge of the practice so much more enjoyable and while Kate specializes in Hellenistic astrology, she is extremely well versed in Vedic methodology. My skills and understanding have improved exponentially through her program and I feel she is one of the most knowledgeable and talented teachers I have ever had the pleasure to study with! ~Pamela”
*not required reading: though our work together will be enhanced if you understand concepts and philosophies outlined in books like these:
Traditional Astrology for Today: An Introduction by Benjamin Dykes PhD
Astrology and the Authentic Self: Integrating Traditional and Modern Astrology to Uncover the Essence of the Birth Chart by Demetra George
The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology by Al Biruni
Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India by Hart de Fouw and Robert Svoboda
+ good reference books to have on hand:
The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin
Horoscope Symbols by Robert Hand
(disregard modern rulerships)
Artist and Mystic: Hilma af Klint