URANIAN readings + PSYCHOLOGICAL insight
/Midpoints are an incredible tool for self-discovery and insight.
+ I now offer: Uranian/Symmetrical/Hamburg School/Cosmobiological readings.
Our astrology chart reflects our experience. Midpoints provide an even more detailed, nuanced view of our experiences. There are themes and patterns within each of us that are present throughout our entire lifetime. And at other times a distinct story or theme emerges as an event (outer experience) or an inner experience. At all times there are several themes, motifs, and processes unfolding simultaneously.
Some topics and patterns overlap and combine (a shared midpoint structure) which creates a wildly potent, very personalized motif. Sometimes a theme or event acts as a trigger for the literal or symbolic (exterior or interior) manifestation of an important matter, feeling, process, or time in your life. Through examining midpoints, planetary pictures, antiscia—and the myriad of timing techniques which accompany these methods—we can get a good sense of what is currently up for you, and how to work with it.
Midpoints conduct and guide energy. Like the apex of a T-square, they are focal or funnel points for planetary significations.
As symmetrical astrologers we work with direct and indirect midpoints, the latter some claim to be slightly less intense (I do not find this to be true when exact). Antiscia fall under this domain as they are simply midpoints around the four cardinal turning points (the equinoctial and solstitial axes). The cardinal points are sometimes just called the Aries Point—and are literally the sun's nodes. Actually, to be more precise, zero Aries is the ascending node of the sun while zero Libra marks the descending node, which puts the solstice points at 'the bendings' (or square) to the sun's nodes. [A topic that deserves deeper examination at another time.] The sun and its nodes are important because they are two of the six personal points we as Uranian astrologers are most concerned with. The moon and its nodes, the Ascendant, and the Midheaven are the other four. These are always thoughtfully examined in a reading.
There are also planetary pictures to analyze. (Midpoints are pictures as well.) A completed planetary picture is like a closed circuit statement, it speaks to major themes in a person's life. Planetary pictures are periodically triggered by transits or other timing methods, or across charts in synastry, and when this occurs it is often significant. There are also incomplete pictures (a.k.a. Parts or Lots) which seek a transit or other direction (or another person, i.e., synastry) to set off their significations. While transits and directions are fated (timing is predetermined), how we react, and with whom we relate, is within our control.
In the Uranian system we also sometimes employ the TNPs (TransNeptunian Planets) for nuanced delineation.
Read how Alfred Witte, the creator of the system, discovered them in this article.
Planetary Pictures or 'Lots' always create an isosceles trapezoid shape in the chart
the center of these midpoints is a significant axis
signs that reflect one other across the Solstice (Antiscia) and equinox (Contra-antiscia)
to Create midpoints focused on the cardinal axis or “Aries POint”
( = World stage) expression in the world
I now offer symmetrical/midpoint readings as a focus for chart work (75-minute consultation available for $150). The aim for this consultation is to discern a number of primary themes in your life, and determine which factors and motifs are emerging now through midpoints, planetary pictures, antiscia, and several key timing techniques.
I look forward to working with you!
R I P . Lou Reed
/Some charts; little commentary.
Exact birth time unknown.
Chart for noon
Current solar arc directions below.
Sun directs to Saturn, and Saturn directs to Pluto.
Directions outer wheel - Birth chart inner wheel
Above solar arc directions are important as Reed has the natal midpoint: Sun | Pluto = Saturn.
When the Sun comes to Saturn, Saturn arrives at Pluto; this is symmetry in motion.
Disregard the zodiac signs on the 360 degree dial (midpoints are easier to see, but signs move around with the pointer).
Reed has the current Uranus Pluto square symbolism in his natal chart in antiscia—mirroring the seed moment of upheaval and radical change later on with the UR PL conjunction in the 1960's. Its connection is occurring again now, it is exact later this week (Nov. 1, 2013).
He also has a natal Venus Saturn contra-antiscia (no surprise, given his aesthetic).
Mars|Uranus Pluto antiscia - Venus Saturn contra-antiscia
Current transits below.
Transits outer wheel - Birth chart inner wheel
Chiron to natal Sun
Mars to natal Moon?
Moon to natal Pluto Chiron
employing the dark feminine? Miley Cyrus
/Disclosure: I’m not a fan. I find Miley Cyrus’ expressions (antics) to be predictable. But she did sprout out of our crassly materialistic, oversexed, plastic gummy bear culture, so what can one expect. Something about it all though, particular elements, have really crept under my skin. So I’m turning to some charts to see about why— why the relentless pinging. ”. . . All she's doing, one way or another, is using her body to get herself attention. It could all use a bit less flash (and a lot less flesh) and a lot more substance.”
Cyrus was born with the Sun in Sagittarius, the sign of the centaur - half man and half animal, shortly before sunset, making hers a diurnal chart. The more positive and productive planets for her are ideally those of the day sect: Jupiter and Saturn. And those which ought to present her with more difficulty are planets of the night sect: Venus and Mars. With the Sun in a fire sign we know immediately it has strength, due to it being in its own triplicity. The trigon or triplicity lords for fire are Sun and Jupiter, Saturn is a participating ruler. With fire we know that a measure of success and honors is important to the person (Su/Ju). The Sun is also in the Egyptian bounds (a.k.a. 'terms') of Jupiter, as is Venus and Saturn. When posited in the bounds of a benefic such as Jupiter, the ancients believed it 'magnified the fortune of the native.' Moon, Mercury, and Mars are posited in the bounds of Saturn.
The north node of the moon, Rahu, is configured by sign with the Sun. Rahu is a notoriously individualistic and eccentric creature in Indian astrology. It is the head of the dragon [or serpent]. Its tail, the south node of the moon, is Ketu. These are the lunar eclipse points, also known as ‘shadowy grahas’ (graha means grasp or seize - and graha is another name for planet). All of this makes the nodes pretty different from the modern psychological /western/ approach to astrology—where the north node is where you are headed and is most certainly good for you—in India, Rahu is known more for its dark side, having an insatiable, exaggerative, hypnotic, and illusory quality. Beyond this wide configuration with the Sun, however, the nodes are not conjunct or square (at the bendings) to anything else in the chart, so we'll move on.
The dark Moon is in the murky waters of Scorpio, the sign of its fall: opposite its exaltation. But this Moon is not at all close to its maximum fall at 3 degrees—unless you perceive the chart through the sidereal zodiac, and one could make a compelling case for doing so, as the ancients would have most definitely noted the Moon and planet positions in the night sky. The Moon’s sidereal position is 3 degrees. The Lot of Fortune resides at 23 Taurus at the Ascendant, as she was born during a very dark waning moon. (The Lots will always be close to the Ascendant in very dark and new moon births—and they will join the Descendant (7th house cusp) at full moon births.)
Mars, known as "Nergal" to the Babylonians, is the planet rising first, leading the way. Mars unrestrained and on its own can be a bit too fierce or aggressive, especially in a daytime chart as it is here. For time immemorial Mars has been associated with war, destruction, fevers, the plague, and so on. It's also how we direct our will and shows what we have passion for, and sometimes (especially per a Uranian perspective) it is reflective of our work. Mars is in Cancer here, a sign ruled by the Moon, and so is associated with the body, feelings, family, nourishment, and shifting tides (it changes). Cancer is the sign of Mars' fall. And here it is positioned at its maximum fall.
Theo Wargo/WireImage
With the Moon in Scorpio (and Mars in Cancer) the two are making a nifty exchange: seeing one another from the other's domicile. This is a reception, usually a helpful connection, though with both planets in their fall (and contrary to sect) their benefit to each other is altered. As Tom Callanan notes on Skyscript: it is "like two drunks helping each other home." As it's a trine aspect, it flows easily, unimpeded, a maximum assist. And Mars, at its worst with the Moon, can be a degradation of the body or feminine form, or dis-ease for the body generally—or just a load of anger. Consider her ease of expression with regards to raunchy tongue poses and twerking.
One thing I always take note of when examining a chart is where the Moon has been and where it is headed—the separating and applying aspects. In this case we see the Moon has separated from a conjunction with Pluto, as well as a square from Chiron; traditionally we would not consider the aspects with Pluto and Chiron, as they are transpersonal bodies and invisible to the naked eye, but these points of contact are most definitely evocative . . . themes of the Underworld and Wounding . . . from a traditional standpoint we’d note that the Moon is visibly separating in a square aspect from Saturn. And its next visible application is to Mercury. Firmicus Maternus, a 4th century astrologer, writes about the Moon's translation of light from Saturn to Mercury:
"But if the Moon had little light, then either it impedes the sound of the voice or deafens the ears. But it also debilitates the bodies of those who have it thus with wretched weariness; it makes persons suffering from melancholy, jaundiced, splenetic [bad-tempered; spiteful], consumptives [wasting], those suffering from dropsy, [or] lung disease..."
Okay, a wee bit harsh. He goes on, but I think you get the picture.
Saturn has a few faces in astrology. It is the father, sometimes the king or ruler, or a worker of the land, or the people. At other times, it is a dark figure or criminal. Most often it is associated with older men, gives a serious approach, and is connected with the ripening of karma (or fate). It can also be indicative of illness, or makes bodies slender and with angular features. At its most noble it is a significator of great wisdom, self-discipline, sobriety, and surrender: a silent sage. The Moon Saturn aspect in this chart is a bigger deal than at first it may appear. The Moon is tenth from Saturn here, in the Indian tradition, the third, seventh, and tenth signs from Saturn are where it makes its especially potent aspects. This Moon (manas, mind) is most certainly influenced by Saturn.
Another biggie on my list: look for planetary stations. And voila, Mercury! - and Mars.
Cyrus has a heliacal rise Mercury. It is about to station direct—within a week of her birth to be exact (what we call phasis)—a strengthening factor. And this happens to show up with some frequency in the charts of those special souls who have something to communicate to the world—whether vocally, or technologically (see the charts of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and many other highly successful tech people). Or Mercury has something to SELL. It is the great "merkerter" after all. Here it’s in the sign of the Scorpion, a water sign where Venus and Mars rule by triplicity (highlighting passions, love and strife), and it’s retrograding back to a conjunction with Pluto. It has a fierce bite.
Mercury connects to MarS
note: Moon Pluto and Saturn on the Ascendant!
Speaking of fierce, the other planet close to its station, Mars, turned direct about five days before her birth (also a phasis). Essentially what this means is the two planets—which also happen to be in closest aspect in her chart (another on the A-list in my sequence of delineation)—are standing pretty much still in their fervent watery trinal embrace. And it is on this day that their kiss—or excessively sexualized message (Mercury), as Sinead O'Connor warns—perfects. This perfection occurs at about noon, when the sun culminates. (Which, in fact, is another way to look at a chart without a known birth time: use the chart for the culminating sun on the day in question.)
A key to understanding all the passionate fusion, creativity, love/hate, and muse-seeking sides to water, as mentioned above, is through the element's two primary trigon lords: Venus and Mars - Moon is a participating ruler. In Cyrus' chart we see all of her nocturnal planets (Venus, Mars, Moon) in the yin/feminine signs (earth/water) and all of her day sect planets (Sun, Jupiter, Saturn) in their own triplicity (fire/air). This adds strength to the chart and gives her a kind of comfort in her skin.
winter solstice 2013
Venus stationing retrograde
Her Venus is posited in the traditionally lusty sign, Capricorn—and I'm willing to make a very predictable prediction: there will be more Cyrus controversy in the news in the coming months. Venus begins her infrequent retrograde cycle soon, stationing Rx on the solstice, December 21st @ 28'58 Capricorn, and turns direct on January 31st @ 13'33 Capricorn. This is one degree from Cyrus' Venus.
Her Venus is also configured with Uranus—a defiant oddball at worst, and at best: a refined, striking, original beauty, with much grace (think of Elizabeth Taylor). However Taylor, unlike Cyrus, had Venus in Aries contra-antiscion her Pisces Sun and dispositing to her Pisces Mars. Pisces is the exaltation sign of Venus, so for Taylor it elevated its position in Aries, though it was still in detriment (and in the sign of Mars, so associated with cutting and separations), so not without difficulty, as was visible in her relationships. Cyrus on the other hand has Venus dispositing to Saturn in Aquarius where Saturn has strength. But its offering to Venus is indirect and without reception. Nor is there an aspect between them. To me it feels quite patriarchal—like the old man pulling the lipstick and powder puff strings from behind the curtain, calculated and measured, it feels stiff and mechanized.
Venus is also configured with Jupiter in a square aspect. This dominating square from Jupiter in Libra to Venus in Capricorn, the sign of Jupiter's fall, may speak to an abundant commercial explosion, not necessarily in good taste. Materialistic excess via ‘the business of sex and beauty.' Though Venus does benefit in the exchange, and controls the outcome for Jupiter. Saturn, too, ruler of the ninth and tenth houses of travel and profession, is greatly helped receiving this blessing-rich trine from the great benefic (Ju) posited in the sign of the reaper's (Sa) exaltation: Libra.
Of special note: the planetary periods for Venus and Jupiter have also been activated this year while Cyrus is 20 years old: Venus = 8 years and Jupiter = 12 years (8+12=20). This activation is even more potent as the planets are in aspect AND Venus rules the Ascendant. She is this business-y, yet otherworldly (Uranus Neptune) Venus.
Saturn is, however, arguably the strongest and most beneficial planet for this chart. Ruling the ninth and tenth houses gives it royal status, greatly strengthening it, and putting her in touch with people at the top. Note it’s the most elevated planet and is also literally advancing on the Midheaven (the culmination point in the chart). And Jupiter’s special aspect, the trine, gives it unbeatable support. The karma for her early success was predestined: as she was born to enter a planetary period of Saturn very young (see the Vimshottari dasa), and this spanned the first 18 to 20 years of her life (depending on which ayanamsa you work with). Timing is everything.
Sun in Sagittarius in contra-antiscion to Mars in Cancer
Pluto in a distant (under 2 degree) antiscion to Midheaven
Contra-antiscia: Sun Mars
Her latest work: Wrecking Ball
Previous work: We Can't Stop
Sun|Mars from Ebertin's
The Combination of Stellar Influences :
the will
courage to fight
the power of attainment
the desire to be in the limelight
inclination to quarrel
Chart with twelfth-parts is quite illuminating! Look where the twelfth-parts of Venus and Mars' fall:
For those interested in the twelfth-parts (dodecatemoria) - See the Venus Mars positions right at the Ascendant(!) in Mars' bounds. This reiterates an animalistic, lusty nature; sexuality up front and center; and not necessarily great for health, or for the wellness those things signified by Venus (love, relating, aesthetics). And see Jupiter's position @ its fall with natal Venus, again: the "bu$iness of beauty."
Free software: Morinus
The Power of Antiscia Video Lecture
/The complete multi-media presentation of the talk I gave at the United Astrology Conference (UAC) 2012 is available. Please contact me if you'd like to access the video.
Please contact me for the password to view this video lecture.
Antisica in action:
On the day I gave the talk (my first public lecture on antiscia) the transiting Sun and transiting Mercury were actually in precise antiscion to both my natal Sun and Mercury! -- and so pulled my Sun Mercury into the cardinal axis. As I didn't schedule the time, it was a surprise to learn.
In the talk I outline what antiscia is - as well as why and how to use it. I offer a historical context, and give directions for calculating antiscia, in addition to applying it to many modern musicians, comics, and politician charts. Example charts begin at the 41 minute mark.
Whitney Houston, Big Voices, and Some Simple Antiscia
/The power of antiscia can be seen in a natal chart very simply and strikingly sometimes. I've been finding a particular antiscia signature with some frequency in the charts of musicians, and singers specifically: Mercury antiscia to Jupiter. A big or great voice.
Here, on the 360 degree dial, is the natal chart for the late, and very vocally talented, Whitney Houston.
(Note: The 360 degree dial does not change the placement of planets in a chart, or their relation to each other or to the angles, but instead emphasizes their connection to the cardinal axis (the solstice and equinox points falling at 0 CANCER/CAPRICORN and 0 ARIES/LIBRA). The dial makes for a quick and easy way to see antiscia and contra-antiscia (terms used for planets falling evenly around the cardinal points). Since everything on earth is dependent upon and affected by seasonal changes, the cardinal axis is a point we all share and is therefore important and relevant for everyone. It is a point through which we connect to the world.)
In Whitney Houston's chart Mercury sits at 10'15 VIRGO and that is the exact mirror or shadow point (antiscia) to Jupiter placed at 19'29 ARIES.
We also find here the antiscia of Jupiter to Pluto, which ought to add even greater power and influence. At its best Jupiter|Pluto is regenerative, providing an ability to transform and develop something, to build something up and make it better; at its worst it can lead to excess, or great accumulation and wastefulness.
A third powerful signature we find in her chart by contra-antiscia (planets falling symmetrically around the Aries/Libra axis, or equinoctial points) is Sun to Neptune. This illuminates her mystique and appeal, but is likely also indicative of the trouble and addictive situations she faced.
To reiterate this theme of great voices, and the antiscia of Mercury|Jupiter on the cardinal axis, here are the charts for two other phenomenal vocalists, Sinead O'Connor and Gillian Welch.
Both charts have Mercury contra-antiscia to Jupiter. Also, Jupiter is in a superior position (earlier in zodiacal degree) to Mercury and, in these two charts, is connected by a sign-based square.
In Sinead O'Connor's chart Mercury is located at about 26 SCORPIO while Jupiter sits at 04 LEO.
In Gillian Welch's chart Mercury is 03 SCO and Jupiter is 27 LEO. These places are regarded by some ancient astrologers as the "hearing" or "commanding/obeying" signs. Read more about this on SevenStars blog.
A nice thing about antiscia, and midpoints generally, is that you can examine a chart that does not have a birth time and still gather quite a bit of information about a person or situation (as revealed with the two charts above). Though remember to disregard the angles of the chart, and also do not put much emphasis on the Moon due to its speed.
I do of course advocate using charts with good birth data. Nothing can replace the depth and structure and sound foundational story one finds through examining a chart in its traditional form, like the one below.
* If you are confused by the chart above not having house cusps, please understand that I use and encourage everyone to try whole sign houses. I still use the angles and see them as incredibly strong points in the chart, especially when planets are advancing toward them or are retreating, having just passed them by, but I prefer whole sign houses for topical purposes. A whole sign house system is elegant, simple, powerful, and makes the most sense to me theoretically.