/Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect one another across the cardinal axis. The cardinal axis (sometimes called the Aries Point) is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic (the sun's path = our zodiac) and the earth's equator. A planetary pair is formed when planets connect across the cardinal axis. Like pairs formed by planets in aspect or in conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement. Therefore, planetary pairs provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as enriching natal and dynamic chart delineation. More on antiscia here...
To use the list below, simply blend the meanings of the planets in combination.
- The date[s] the pair is formed is LEFT - the day & time it perfects is RIGHT.
- Bold dates indicate a particular planetary expression is exact (within 10 minutes of arc).
- Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal or fifteen degrees fixed (midpoint), and ought to feature prominently that day).
- Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia - a symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.
Day of month + Planet/Planetary Pair + Day/Time @ exact (PST)
Mars antiscia Uranus
Saturn at 16 degrees Scorpio
November 2013
4, 5 Venus (0 CAP)
6—12—20 Saturn (15 SCO) 12th – 12:28
18—20—22 Mars Uranus 20th – 20:26
23, 24 Mercury (15 SCO) 24th – 15:06
29, 30 Sun Venus 30th –
The antiscia between Mars and Uranus mid-month is far from reassuring given the "Fukushima operator TEPCO is getting ready for its toughest and most dangerous clean-up operation. In November it will try to remove 400 tons of spent fuel from plant’s Reactor No. 4. But even a little mistake may result in a new nuclear disaster."
Of note, and not the most soothing addition, Saturn comes to the cardinal axis (15 degrees Scorpio) just days before the Mars Uranus antiscion. The Sun will conjunct Saturn on November 6th at 14°15 Scorpio, essentially kicking off Saturn's arrival on to the world's stage.
Mars | Uranus = Saturn
In The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin states: "Energy concentrated on separation, a heavy injury, an operation, violent destruction."
Noel Tyl, in Predictions in Astrology, offers: "A clash between controls and the freest spirit; potential battles and separations; controls can not be tolerated."
Also relevant: Neptune stations mid-month (Nov 13) at 2°34 Pisces.
And what to make of the Full Moon occurring November 17th at 25°26 Taurus? This is the projected ecliptic degree of the notoriously feared fixed star, Algol. Last May, Algol was activated on a solar eclipse/New Moon by paran. In a post then, I noted, Algol is known by other names too. According to Bernadette Brady in her book "Star and Planet Combinations," Ras al Ghul, a name given by the Arabs, means "the Head of the Demon, and they considered this demon to be the wife of the Devil." Tseih She, is the name given by the Chinese, meaning "Piled-up Corpses."...
What's especially meaningful about this star and the timing of this lunation, given what's been noted above, is the declination for Algol is +40.57' which is the latitude for northern parts of Japan. The star's latitude runs through Japan (as well as many other countries with the above mentioned latitude). However, at the time of the first Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011 the star was quite activated. I will write more about this in a later post...
Nov 3 Eclipse charts for Washington DC sans delineation:
A contrary to sect Mars advancing on the local midheaven, Neptune Chiron on nadir, and the Sun and Moon, as astrologer Patrick Watson noted, are besieged by malefics. [Reiterative]
With the TNPs (so tune out if you need to).
Poseidon = spirituality, enlightenment, light, one's own spirit, ghosts, metaphysics, truth, clarity, and/or propaganda, news, knowledge. I've read/heard: radiation.
Poseidon running with eclipse Sun/Moon
On the 90 degree dial it is easier to see the Uranus Pluto square in a nearly exact half square (45) to the Washington DC ascendant.
Also running with UR PL, is Hades / Zeus to the Ascendant. As is: Venus / Jupiter and Mercury Node / Mars.
Arlene Kramer writes of Hades/Zeus:
Lack of purposeful activity. On vacation. Relaxing. Trash compactor. Heavy industry. To start a fire. Destructive fire. To be creative with things from the past. Beginning of metaphysical studies.
Alfred Witte:
Relaxation. Recreation. Holidays. Idleness and vice. No pursuing of one's aim, lack of purposeful behavior. Prevented to act, paralyzed (in respect to action), compelled to be inactive. Cramp (to restrain or confine the action of, as with a cramp). Villainess, mean trick. Industry. Lack of coal. Strike. Lock-out. Destructive fire.
- Ascendant, (Witte) : Others are obnoxious, hateful and negative, disorderly and lazy. Disorder and dirt in the surroundings. Damage by fire.
We will see.