/Symmetries around the Cardinal Axis = Antiscia
Reflections falling equidistant from the Solstice and Equinox points = Antiscia
Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: zero degrees of each cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun, since the earth orbits the Sun. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic (the sun's path, i.e., the tropical zodiac) and the earth's equator.
Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for all of its inhabitants. Therefore, planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day or month. It can also help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...
To use the list of antiscia below, blend the meanings of planets in combination.
For help with delineation of planetary pairs, you may want to utilize books I reference on this page, or use an online resource like this one by John Sandbach. Or simply apply your basic astrological understanding of the planets. Think of the pairs and combinations as conjunctions or oppositions. And you can always take interpretations further and add more nuance by considering shared or reflected dignity and reception.
All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less (i.e., they are very close to exact).
Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it resides at zero degrees cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
Those with *c indicate contra-antiscia: symmetries around the Aries/Libra (equinox) axis—a.k.a. signs of equal rising.
All others are antiscia. These are signs of equal power (sharing the same quantity of light).
Ketu = south lunar node. Rahu = north lunar node.
We kick off the new decade with the end (and new beginning) of a long Saturn Pluto cycle, one that began in Libra in 1982. While this cycle makes its exact contact January 12, wouldn’t you know Mars would join the equation at the same time by reflection from Sagittarius. Everything culminates in exactitude as the Sun passes through it—conjoining Saturn and Pluto on January 13. Do take care. The world could use our patience, awareness, and steadfastness.
These are our work planets, Mars and Saturn. The initiation of this new cycle is a call for many of us to get to work!
karmanyevaadhikaaraste maa phaleshu kadaachana
maa karmaphalahetur bhoor maa te sango'stwakarmani / 2.47 / The Bhagavad GitaYour right is to work only, but never to its fruits; let not the fruit-of-action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction.
1.You/We certainly have the right (freedom) to work or action but not to the fruit of our action. That means not to let the fruit of action be your/our object of any action we do.
2. Not to be attached to inaction. That means knowing there is no certainty or guarantee to the result of an action, we cannot withdraw from doing such action. Inaction could be construed as sin. (To sin means to miss the mark.)
Saturn Pluto: Hard labor; cruelty. [Ebertin] :-O
Don’t be pulled in: negativity, competitive attitudes, and power struggles are pronounced. Please don’t perpetuate low vibes in an already strained time.
= Sun: Physical toil and over-exertion, sparing no pains in one’s work. - Renunciation, privation, a physical separation.
= Mercury: The urge to do research work, thoroughness, taciturnity. - The desire to solve difficult problems.
= Mars: Brutality, assault or violence, ruthlessness. - The necessity to fight for one’s existence or life, maltreatment.
There will be a long-standing connection between Neptune and Chiron from May to August.
Beginning mid June, retrograde Venus in Gemini links up to the Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Capricorn by contra-antiscia. This combination stays in close orb until July 6. It begins June 17, and Venus stations direct on June 24/25. The planets’ slowness in movement creates a -hopefully- delightful ‘hidden’ signature for us. And is in effect for the Cancer Solstice / Solar Eclipse. Do you have planets in Gemini or Capricorn? What about the antiscia reflections to these: falling in late Cancer or early Sagittarius? Contact me if you want to investigate.
Jupiter Pluto: The desire for power (plutocracy). The qualities of leadership. [Ebertin]
= Venus: Creative power. - A craving for indulgence. The giving of one’s love to many.
Month / Day
1 / 10-11 Venus Uranus
1 / 12 Mars Mercury Saturn Pluto
1 / 13 Mars Sun Saturn Pluto
1 / 14 Mars Saturn Pluto
1 / 27-29 Mars Jupiter
2 / 1 Mercury Uranus
2 / 4-5 Venus Chiron *c
2 / 6-8 Mars Node
2 / 7 Venus (ARIES)
2 / 15-16 Sun Uranus *c
2 / 16 Mars (CAPRICORN)
2 / 17-18 Venus Neptune *c
2 / 26-27 Sun Venus *c
3 / 3-6 Mercury Venus *c
3 / 14-15 Sun Chiron *c
3 / 19 Sun (ARIES)
3 / 30-31 Sun Neptune *c
4 / 1-2 Sun Mercury *c
4 / 1-3 Venus Mars Saturn *c
4 / 6-7 Mercury Chiron *c
4 / 8-10 Venus Jupiter Pluto *c
4 / 10-11 Mercury (ARIES)
4 / 16-17 Mercury Neptune *c
4 / 23—5 / 18 Lunar Nodes on Solstice Points
4 / 28-29 Sun Mars *c
5 / 1 Mercury Mars *c
5 / 1-3 Mars Uranus *c
5 / 10-11 Mercury Saturn SRx *c
5 / 12 Mercury Jupiter *c
5 / 13-14 Mercury Pluto *c
5 / 17-19 Sun Saturn *c
5 / 21—— Neptune Chiron *c
5 / 22-24 Sun Jupiter *c
5 / 24-26 Sun Pluto *c
5 / 28 Mercury (CANCER)
The long-standing reflection of Venus to Jupiter Pluto at the time of the Cancer Solstice — With Neptune Chiron
5 / 28-29 Mercury Rahu
6 / 8-9 Sun Mercury
6 / 12-14 Mars Chiron *c
——6 / 9-14— (perfects) Neptune Chiron *c
6 / 17—— VenusRx Jupiter Pluto *c
6 / 20 Sun (CANCER) Happy eclipse Solstice!
6 / 20-22 Sun Rahu
(6 / 24-25 Venus Stations Direct Jupiter Pluto *c)
——7 / 6 Venus Jupiter Pluto *c
7 / 11-12 Sun Venus
7 / 12-15 Mars Neptune *c
7 / 24 Mercury Venus
——7 / 24-29— (perfects again) Neptune Chiron *c
8 / 7 Venus (CANCER)
8 / 8-10 Venus Rahu
8 / 10-12 Sun Uranus
8 / 14 Mercury Uranus
——8 / 18 (moves out of orb) Neptune Chiron *c
8 / 21-22 Mercury Mars
8 / 25-26 Sun Mars
8 / 31 Mercury Chiron
9 / 5 Mercury (LIBRA)
9 / 11-12 Sun Mercury *c
9 / 11-12 Mercury Neptune
9 / 13-15 Sun Chiron *c
9 / 22 Sun (LIBRA)
9 / 23-24 Venus Uranus
9 / 29-30 Mercury Venus *c
10 / 2-4 Sun Neptune
10 / 8-9 Venus Mars
10 / 11-12 Sun Venus *c
10 / 22-23 Venus Chiron
10 / 27 Venus (LIBRA)
The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius at the time of the SOLSTICE
11 / 5-7 Venus Neptune
11 / 23-24 Sun Saturn
11 / 25-27 Sun Jupiter
11 / 27-29 Sun Pluto
12 / 2 Mercury Saturn
Moon Venus create a midpoint to the Great Conjunction during the Capricorn ingress
12 / 3-4 Mercury Jupiter
12 / 5-6 Mercury Pluto
12 / 15-16 Venus Jupiter Saturn
12 / 19-20 Venus Pluto
12 / 20 Sun Mercury
12 / 21 Sun (CAPRICORN)
12 / 26-27 Mercury Node
12 / 28-29 Mercury Venus
12 / 30-31 Sun Node
12 / 31 Sun Venus Ketu
Want to learn more about antiscia in your chart? Or want to study traditional or symmetrical astrology . . . Consider booking a consultation or mentoring session with me this year!