/Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries = Antiscia
Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...
Check out the Mars Saturn reflection foreshadowing, in a way, their conjunction in the Aries ingress chart (below). This conjunction of the two heavyweight, highly dignified malefics, on the setting angle no less, is rare. The last time the ingress contained the two in Capricorn was 1988, before that 1813, and before that: 1783, 1608 1578, 1576, 1371, 1341, 1166, 1136..... (We will see another one in 2020.)
Mars reflects Saturn (sharing power) across the capricorn solstice point in early March
While the Sun joins Neptune in conjunction at 14 Pisces ~ And reflects the Moon at this hour
and note: Venus and Mercury conjoin just past the point of maximum exaltation for Venus (27 Pisces)
this also foreshadows their conjunction at the Equinox
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Note the lord of the chart: the Moon, exalted and in the 11th house, and just departing its trine with Saturn
Whilst the Sun in the house of government applies in square to Exalted Mars ~ Mars is in superior position (decimation)
+ the sun disposits to this powerful Malefic (which rules both the 5th and 10th houses, making it an awfully potent planet)
Jupiter, as exaltation lord of the Ascendant, looks like it can offer little help
Neptune at the Midheaven hO hum
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To use the list of monthly antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination.
- All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
- Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
- Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.
In addition to the books I reference on this page, an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints is this one by John Sandbach. Or you can simply apply your basic astrological understanding of the planets. Think of the pairs and combinations as conjunctions; and remember you can consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception.
right before the equinox
the second conjunction of Mercury and Venus reflects Neptune (for days) in contra-antiscia
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2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Mars Saturn
5 Mercury ingress into Aries
6 Mercury Venus (c)
6 Venus ingress into Aries
7, 8, 9 Mercury|Venus Chiron (c)
11, 12 Sun Mercury (c)
12, 13 Sun Venus (c)
17 Mars ingress into Capricorn
Aries Ingress / EQUINOX on the 90 degree dial = Mars Chiron
17, 18, 19, 20 Mercury|Venus Neptune (c)
20 Sun ingress into Aries EQUINOX
21, 22 Sun Chiron (c)
26, 27, 28, 29 MercuryRx Neptune (c)
31 Chiron approaching Aries Point . . .
Want to learn more about antiscia and traditional or symmetrical astrology? Consider booking a consultation or mentoring session with Kate!