Ur Rx
13 Aries
Eclectic innovations, multiple traditions: Hellenistic, Medieval Persian, Indian, and Uranian and Cosmobiological astrology.
Do you sometimes feel tired? Trouble sleeping? Ask your doctor about Antiscia. Patients suffering from heartburn and/or headache described a 3.7% distraction from their discomfort when someone tried to explain to them what antiscia was. Or is it what antiscia is? :-D
Eclectic astrology research …inquisitive and devoted to the craft, Kate offers consultations, and mentorship. Other work: as visual artist and volunteer with women in prison since 2007.
It’s time to stop minimizing this phenomenon. Astrologers frequently make damning assessments by way of essential dignity, house placements, and/or geometric aspects. While astrology is by definition judgmental, practitioners need to be more mindful about making sweeping or harsh generalizations. Not only is there a residue of impact left on the people they communicate with and serve, I see a lingering stain of internalized shame over one’s own apparently ‘weak’ placements. What a waste of time.