Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...

Very little planetary antiscia this month. (Mostly lunar connections.) One long-standing combination back in play, reverberating this past December, is Jupiter reflecting Neptune. 

Sun moves out of contra-antiscia to Neptune
Moon is antisica the Sun while simultaneously reflecting Jupiter
Jupiter antiscia Neptune moves back into orb for the remainder of the month

In December I wrote:
Jupiter Neptune . . . reminds me of a similar arrangement to another long-standing combination that occurred on the cardinal axis during Occupy Wall Street. These planets together speak to fraud and speculation, banks and bankruptcy, legal issues and corruption, even a 'degradation in systems of justice' (as quoted from Michael Munkasey's book on Midpoints).

To use the list of monthly antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.

In addition to the books I reference on this page, an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints is this one by John Sandbach. Or you can simply apply your basic astrological understanding of the planets. Think of the pairs and combinations as conjunctions; and remember you can consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 


1, 2, 3, 4Venus (0 ARIES) back into Pisces on April 2

2   Moon (0 CANCER) 

5   Moon Mars

5, 6, 7   Sun Neptune (c)

6   Moon Mercury

7   Moon Uranus

7   Moon Jupiter (c)

7   Moon Sun

9   Moon (0 LIBRA) 

9   Moon VenusRx

9   Moon Chiron  

10 Moon Neptune

10 -thru end of the month    Jupiter Neptune

11   Moon Node

15 Moon Pluto

16   Moon (0 CAPRICORN) 

16   Moon Saturn 

18, 19, 20   Sun Node 

19   Moon Mars (c)

19, 20, 21, 22   MercuryRx Node 

21   Moon Sun (c) 

21   Moon Mercury (c)

21   Moon Uranus (c)

22   Moon Jupiter 

23   Moon (0 ARIES) 

23   Moon Venus (c) 

23   Moon Chiron (c) 

24   Moon Neptune (c) 

25 Moon Node 

26, 27, 28, 29, 30   Venus (0 ARIES) re-enters Aries on April 28

28   Moon Pluto (c)

29   Moon (0 CANCER) 

29   Moon Saturn (c)

For a consultation or mentoring session, please contact me

Take good care!


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...

The month begins with lots of antiscion activity. (Chart below.) Mercury, in the first decan of Pisces, joins the exact (on March 2) Jupiter Uranus opposition, reflecting Mars and Uranus by contra-antiscia and Jupiter by antiscia. The Moon enters the picture at this time, which is also when the Sun conjoins Neptune. 

I recently spoke with Chris Flisher about these and other configurations on his program, Turning of the Wheel. Check it out if it's of interest to you... (It is also available on iTunes.) 

The Sun begins to move onto the cardinal axis on the 19th; though its ingress into Aries occurs at 3:29am PDT / 6:29am EDT on March 20th.

Aries ingress [equinox] charts for Washington DC

On the calamities of the year. . . 

Note Neptune rising on the local Ascendant. Deception? Disillusionment, confusion, leaks, drugs, oil, oceans...... And the partile (exact) conjunction of the Moon applying to out of sect Saturn (by 4 minutes arc) in the tenth house of government and those in command. Domicile ruler of the Ascendant and Midheaven, Jupiter, is retrograde in Libra in the eighth house. Bound lord (and exaltation lord) of the Ascendant, Venus, is also retrograde, combust, and in detriment in Aries.

Excerpts from Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences:

Principle:  An impressionable person.
Psychological Correspondence:
+  Impressionability, sensitiveness, a sympathetic or compassionate and innate understanding of other people.
-  A lack of resistance and stamina, the inability to maintain one's place or position in the world, the inclination to be influenced by others, moodiness. 
C  The inability to gain success in life, the tendency to lay oneself open to exploitation by other people thus serving as a willing tool for the achievement of other people's selfish purposes, the act of deceiving or cheating others.
Biological Correspondence:  Illusions or deceptions of the senses. - "Skin crawling."
Sociological Correspondence:  Insincere people, liars, crooks. - Sensitives, mediums. 
Probable Manifestations: 
+  Becoming dominated by or subjected to the influence of other people, the inclination to make strange or peculiar contacts with other people. 
-  An abuse or betrayal of confidence, falsehood, deceit, the experience of disappointment and disillusionment.

Neptune in House I:  Hypersensitiveness, confusion, a person without aims or objectives, insane and mad ideas. 

Principle: Self-control. 
Psychological Correspondence:  
+  The control of the feelings, self-control, thoughtfulness, the feeling of selfhood, a sense of duty, care and attention, circumspection or considerateness, conscientiousness. 
-  Uncommunicativeness, feelings of inferiority, changes of mood, melancholy, self-will, anxiety, lack of self-confidence, mirthlessness, the fear of being compromised or exposed by indiscreet action. 
C  Self-control, abstemiousness, thrift, selfishness, the tendency to grumble or to find fault. 
Sociological Correspondence:  Inhibited, lonely and sad people. The lonely woman or mother. 
Probable Manifestations: 
+  The tendency or inclination to build upon the tradition of the family or vocation, inherited or assigned positions, difficult advancement in life, often alone in life. 
-  Disadvantages or worries through the family, psychical depressions, estrangement or separation from the wife or mother, isolation. 

From my perspective, one of the best possible manifestations of Neptune rising here in the US is that we might expect to see [and/or participate in making] arts, artists, musicians, etc., front and center this next year. (Please let it not be ALL ABOUT OIL. Ugh.) 

And finally,
from the 8th century Persian astrologer, Masha'Allah's work: On the Revolution of the Years of the World

Chapter 37: On the calamities of the year

Know that the year will be made severe. if there were malefics in the part of the upper circle, and in the northern part, and especially if Mars committed his own disposition to Saturn: because Saturn signifies grave things, and long-lasting ones, concerning the appearance of detriment in the earth, and the weakness of the king, and the taking away of faith and religion; and robberies will be multiplied, and contentions, and especially if one of the malefics were in the Midheaven. 

And in addition, look at the Moon: because if she committed her own disposition to Saturn from the lower part of the subterranean circle, it signifies tribulation and detriment and the changing of the kingdom. And if the Moon pushed her light to Saturn, and were with him [in the same sign] or in the square aspect or in the opposition, it will be that much worse. 

And look likewise at the Sun just as you have looked at the Moon: because if he were received, it signifies the fitness of evil.

And know that the benefics signify the loosening of evil, and its taking away, if they were strong in their place, having good testimony. And if they were direct, they signify good and fitness. . .

Looks like quite a year ahead. I'm tired already.   :-\ 

To use the list of monthly antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.

In addition to the books I reference above, an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints is this one by John Sandbach. Or you can simply apply your basic astrological understanding of the planets. Think of the pairs and combinations as conjunctions; and remember you can consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 


1, 2   Mercury Mars (c)

1   Moon Sun/Neptune (c)

1   Moon Node 

1   Moon Mercury (c)

1, 2   Mercury Jupiter

1, 2 Mercury Uranus (c) 

4, 5, 6, 7   Mars Node

5   Moon Pluto (c)

6   Moon (0 CANCER) 

6   Moon Saturn (c) 

6, 7, 8   Sun VenusRx (c)

6, 7   Mercury Venus (c) 

10   Moon Mars 

11   Moon Jupiter (c)

11   Moon Uranus 

12   Moon Venus 

13   Moon (0 LIBRA) 

13   Mercury (0 ARIES)

13   Moon Mercury 

13   Moon Sun/Chiron 

14   Moon Neptune 

15   Moon Node 

15, 16   Sun/Chiron Mercury (c)

18   Moon Pluto

19, 20, 21   Sun (0 ARIES) 

20   Moon (0 CAPRICORN) 

20   Moon Saturn 

22, 23   Mercury Neptune (c)

24   Moon Mars (c)

24, 25 Sun Chiron (c)

24, 25, 26, 27   VenusRx Chiron (c) 

25   Moon Mercury/Uranus (c)

26   Moon Jupiter 

26   Moon Sun (c) 

27   Moon VenusRx (c) 

27   Moon (0 ARIES) 

27   Moon Chiron (c) 

28   Moon Neptune (c) 

29   Moon Node 

29, 30 Node Mercury 

31 -(into April)   Venus (0 ARIES) 

For a consultation or mentoring session, please contact me

Take good care!


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...

Important chart for the month. Solar Eclipse (new moon) 8 Pisces 12 

In addition to the important Mars Uranus conjunction in Aries, opposing Jupiter, at the time of the eclipse, the new moon eclipse ties to both Jupiter by antiscia, and Mars/Uranus by contra-antiscia; while it is also conjunct Neptune and the south node (Ketu) 

I'm not soothed at all by this chart. Do with it what you like.
I hope someone doesn't start a war.

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.

In addition to the books I reference on this page, an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints is this one by John Sandbach. Or you can simply apply your basic astrological understanding of the planets. Think of the pairs and combinations as conjunctions; and remember you can consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 


*   Uranus Neptune (c) -in wider orb, but still relevant

2   Moon Jupiter

2   Moon Node 

2, 3, 4   Venus (0 ARI) 

3   Moon Sun (c) 

5   Moon Mercury (c) 

5   Moon Pluto (c) 

5, 6, 7   Mars Chiron (c) 

6   Moon (0 CAN) 

7   Moon Saturn (c)

11   Moon Jupiter (c) 

11   Moon Uranus 

12 Moon Mars 

12, 13, 14   Venus Chiron (c) 

13 Moon Venus

13   Moon (0 LIB) 

14   Moon Chiron 

15   Moon Neptune 

15   Moon Node 

16   Moon Sun 

17   Moon Mercury 

19   Moon Pluto 

20   Moon (0 CAP) 

20, 21, 22, 23   Mars Neptune (c) 

21   Moon Saturn 

24, 25, 26   Sun Jupiter (solar eclipse/new moon 9 Pisces)

25, 26, 27   Sun Mars|Uranus (c) (solar eclipse/new moon 9 Pisces)

25   Moon Jupiter 

26   Moon Mars|Uranus (c)  (solar eclipse/new moon 9 Pisces) 

26   Moon Venus (c) 

27   Moon (0 ARI) 

28   Moon Chiron (c) 

28   Mercury Mars (c) 


For a consultation or mentoring session, please contact me


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

Chart for last month's ingress into Capricorn:

2016 Capricorn Ingress
Long-standing signatures: Uranus Neptune + Jupiter Neptune
Venus on cardinal axis @ 15 fixed (15AQU49)
Saturn advances on Ascendant for Washington, DC (again)

Some basic antiscia interpretations for the 2016 SOLSTICE (from Ebertin's Combination of Stellar Influences) : 

Jupiter Neptune = Sun
A lack of self-control, irresponsibility, speculation, a squandering of physical strength. - The act of deceiving or the misfortune of being deceived. 

Uranus Neptune = Sun
Lack of vitality, a sensitive physique, impressionability. - Unconsciousness, illness, lifelessness or impassiveness. (Epilepsy).

I first wrote about the long-standing Uranus Neptune contra-antiscia back in May 2015. (And it may be noteworthy that Donald Trump announced his campaign for the presidency the month after, on June 16, 2015.) Read Ed Tamplin's take on this.

This is from May 2015:

Things are about to get (even more) weird... 

URANUS NEPTUNE = cardinal axis. This pair will move into within a half degree contra-antiscion at the end of this month, and will remain in exact contra-antiscia for the rest of this season (spring, in the northern hemisphere) and for much the summer (as well as spring, fall and winter of 2016). That means Uranus, the planet of tension, excitement, innovation, and all things electrifying, is moving into the exact shadow point of Neptune, a planet of fantasy, impressionability, reception, and sometimes dissolution or chaos.

From my perspective, (at its best) this has METAPHYSICS, intensified discourse about death or alternate states of consciousness, shadow work, and the 'underworld' (or otherworld) written all over it. And that could be a very good thing. 

This planetary pair will be active for everyone since it is happening on the cardinal axis, i.e., symmetrical to the Aries point. But it may be even more pronounced or meaningful for you if you have personal planets on the cardinal axis or in antiscia. For directions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page; or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation

Here are some excerpts on the UR NE pair from The Combination of Stellar Influences, by Reinhold Ebertin, and Alfred Witte's Rules for Planetary Pictures:

  • The elimination of the waking consciousness
  • + The development and growth of the sub-conscious powers or forces, inner vision, inner illumination and enlightenment, inspiration, idealism, an interest in spiritual subjects, religious problems, mysticism, art. 
  • - Lacking control of the waking consciousness leads to want of clearness. Instability, lack of emotional balance, nervous sensitiveness, wrong ideas, one-sidedness. 
  • Mystics, people engaged in psychical research, mediums. 


  • Suddenly incapacitated. Unconsciousness. Checkmated. Transition into the beyond. Crisis. Dead persons. Revolution. Psychic. 
  • - Aries point: Metaphysics. Occultism. Funerals. Cemeteries.  


"religious problems"?... hmmm

Maybe moral problems (here in the US)...  And with all the fake news and misinformation last year- I'd say there has definitely been a kind of consciousness eliminated. Lies, misleading, and totally abhorrent rhetoric prevailed (and still does). Naivety, disillusionment, and a desire to 'return' to a time that's never existed were strong themes; as well as a powerful need for a kind of revolution, however destructive... The world is watching with fear. 

With Jupiter Neptune, the other major configuration, due to Jupiter meeting up with Uranus in opposition, reminds me of a similar arrangement to another long-standing combination that occurred on the cardinal axis during Occupy Wall Street. These planets together speak to fraud and speculation, banks and bankruptcy, legal issues and corruption, even a 'degradation in systems of justice' (as quoted from Michael Munkasey's book on Midpoints).

Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune have remained in these antiscia and contra-antiscia placements for longer than normal due to recent and coming stations (moving in and out of retrograde motion). 

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.

In addition to the books I reference on this page, an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints is this one by John Sandbach. Or you can simply apply your basic astrological understanding of the planets. Think of the pairs and combinations as conjunctions; and remember you can consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 


1   Mars|Neptune Uranus (c)

1   Jupiter Neptune

119   Uranus Neptune (c)

2   Moon Jupiter

2   Moon|Neptune Uranus (c)

3, 4, 5   Mercury rx (0 CAP) 

4   Moon (0 ARI) 

4   Moon Chiron (c) 

5   Moon Mars (c) 

5   Moon|Uranus Neptune (c)

6   Moon Node

Shortly after the full moon at 23 CANCER: 
Venus meets up with Neptune and reflects Uranus
while Mercury stands on the cardinal axis (again)

6   Moon Venus (c)  

9   Moon Sun (c) 

9   Moon Pluto (c) 

9, 10, 11   Venus Jupiter

10   Moon (0 CAN) 

10   Moon Mercury (c) 

11   Moon Saturn (c) 

11, 12, 13   Mercury (0 CAP) 

11, 12   Venus|Neptune Uranus (c) 

15   Moon Jupiter (c) 

15   Moon Uranus

17   Moon (0 LIB) 

17   Moon Mars Chiron

18   Moon Venus 

18   Moon Neptune

19   Moon Node 

19, 20   Mercury Saturn

21   Moon Sun

23   Moon Pluto

23   Moon Mercury

24   Moon (0 CAP)

25   Moon Saturn 

26, 27, 28, 29   Mars (0 ARI)

Venus Mars reflection with the Moon

Venus Mars reflection with the Moon

29   Moon Jupiter

30   Moon Uranus (c) 

30, 31   Venus Mars

31   Moon|Venus Mars (c) 

31   Moon|Mars Venus (c) 


For a consultation or mentoring session, please contact me


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

Chart for the Sun's ingress into Capricorn:

SOLSTICE // Capricorn Ingress
Long-standing signatures: Uranus Neptune + Jupiter Neptune
Venus on cardinal axis @ 15 fixed (15AQU49)

Saturn advancing on the Ascendant for Washington, DC (again)

Basic antiscia interpretations for the SOLSTICE (from Ebertin's Combination of Stellar Influences) : 

Jupiter Neptune = Sun
A lack of self-control, irresponsibility, speculation, a squandering of physical strength. - The act of deceiving or the misfortune of being deceived. 

Uranus Neptune = Sun
Lack of vitality, a sensitive physique, impressionability. - Unconsciousness, illness, lifelessness or impassiveness. (Epilepsy).

I first wrote about the long-standing Uranus Neptune contra-antiscia back in May 2015. (And it may be noteworthy that Donald Trump announced his campaign for the presidency the month after, on June 16, 2015.) Read Ed Tamplin's take on this.

This is from May 2015:

Things are about to get (even more) weird... 

URANUS NEPTUNE = cardinal axis. This pair will move into within a half degree contra-antiscion at the end of this month, and will remain in exact contra-antiscia for the rest of this season (spring, in the northern hemisphere) and for much the summer (as well as spring, fall and winter of 2016). That means Uranus, the planet of tension, excitement, innovation, and all things electrifying, is moving into the exact shadow point of Neptune, a planet of fantasy, impressionability, reception, and sometimes dissolution or chaos.

From my perspective, (at its best) this has METAPHYSICS, intensified discourse about death or alternate states of consciousness, shadow work, and the 'underworld' (or otherworld) written all over it. And that could be a very good thing. 

This planetary pair will be active for everyone since it is happening on the cardinal axis, i.e., symmetrical to the Aries point. But it may be even more pronounced or meaningful for you if you have personal planets on the cardinal axis or in antiscia. For directions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page; or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation

Here are some excerpts on the UR NE pair from The Combination of Stellar Influences, by Reinhold Ebertin, and Alfred Witte's Rules for Planetary Pictures:

  • The elimination of the waking consciousness
  • + The development and growth of the sub-conscious powers or forces, inner vision, inner illumination and enlightenment, inspiration, idealism, an interest in spiritual subjects, religious problems, mysticism, art. 
  • - Lacking control of the waking consciousness leads to want of clearness. Instability, lack of emotional balance, nervous sensitiveness, wrong ideas, one-sidedness. 
  • Mystics, people engaged in psychical research, mediums. 


  • Suddenly incapacitated. Unconsciousness. Checkmated. Transition into the beyond. Crisis. Dead persons. Revolution. Psychic. 
  • - Aries point: Metaphysics. Occultism. Funerals. Cemeteries.  


"religious problems"?... hmmm

Maybe moral problems...  And with all the fake news and misinformation this year, I'd say there has definitely been a kind of consciousness eliminated. Lies, misleading, and totally abhorrent rhetoric prevailed. Naivety, disillusionment, and a desire to 'return' to a time that's never existed have been strong themes; as well as a powerful need for a kind of revolution, at whatever cost apparently. 

Also of note, another planetary pair mentioned above makes its way onto the cardinal axis for a lot of the month: Jupiter Neptune (due to Jupiter meeting up with Uranus in opposition). It's pretty interesting how similar these arrangements are to another long-standing combination that occurred on the cardinal axis during Occupy Wall Street. These planets together speak to fraud and speculation, banks and bankruptcy, legal issues and corruption, even a 'degradation in systems of justice' (as quoted from Michael Munkasey's book on Midpoints).

These planets (Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune) remain in antiscia and contra-antiscia signatures for longer than normal due to recent and coming stations (moving in and out of retrograde motion). 

In addition to the books I referenced above, an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints is this one by John Sandbach. Or you can simply apply your basic astrological understanding of the planets. Think of the pairs and combinations as conjunctions; and remember you can consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.


171831 (into January)  Uranus Neptune (c)

1   Moon (0 CAP) 

1   Moon Mercury 

The first Mercury Saturn reflection (Sun Saturn conjunction) 

2   Moon Saturn 

2   Moon Sun

2   Mercury (0 CAP)

4, 5, 6   Sun Pluto

6   Moon|Neptune Uranus (c)

6   Moon Jupiter 

8   Moon (0 ARI)

9   Moon|Uranus Neptune (c) 

9   Moon Node 

10   Moon Mars (c) 

Moon joins the party - on the day Mercury stations RX near Pl

10, 11   Sun Mercury

10, 11, 12   Mercury Saturn

11   Moon Venus (c)

13   Moon Pluto (c)

13   Moon Mercury (c)

14   Moon (0 CAN) 

14   Moon Sun (c)

14   Moon Saturn (c)

1824, 2531  Jupiter Neptune

19   Moon Uranus

Mercury returns to reflect Saturn amongst JU NE, MO PL, UR NE

19   Moon Jupiter (c)  

20, 21   Sun (0 CAP)  *Solstice

20   Moon (0 LIB) 

22   Moon Neptune 

22   Moon Node 

23   Moon Mars 

24   Moon Venus 

26, 27, 28   MercuryRx Saturn

26   Moon Pluto 

New Moon is antiscia Saturn, et al

27   Moon Mercury 

27   Moon Sun 

28   Moon (0 CAP) 

28, 29, 30   Sun Saturn

29   Moon Saturn 

29, 30, 31   Mars Jupiter

30, 31   Mars|Neptune Uranus (c)

Feel free to leave a question or comment below. If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me!

New Year, 2017
Mars joins Neptune, so combines energies with Jupiter (antiscia) and Uranus (contra-antiscia), the latter is notoriously crunchy
Moon on the cardinal axis, 15 Fixed


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

Also! - if you are in the Portland, Oregon area and would like to learn about antiscia in person, attend one of my talks in November! I'll be at the Portland School of Astrology on 11/17 and at Oregon Astrological Association on 11/18 with a workshop there on 11/19

Day after the US Election
Moon meets up with Neptune Ketu (south Node) - contra-antiscia Uranus
While Saturn Pluto remain in antiscia

For help interpreting the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. Or utilize an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints, like this one by John Sandbach. Or just apply your current astrological understanding of the planets. You can think of these pairs as conjunctions; and remember to consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they are symmetrical to the Aries point. However, if you have natal planets on the cardinal axis (or in antiscia) then these connections will be even more pronounced and/or meaningful for you! For instructions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page, or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation.

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.


1---11 .  Saturn Pluto 

1 .  Moon Mars 

2 .  Moon Pluto

3 .  Moon (0 CAP) 

4---14---27 .  Node Uranus 

4---30.   Uranus Neptune (c)

4 .  Moon Venus 

5 .  Moon Saturn

6 .  Moon Mercury

7 .  Moon Sun 

9 .  Moon[Neptune Node] Uranus (c)

When the Moon into Aries joins the picture[s] 

9 .  Moon Jupiter

10 .  Moon (0 ARI)

10, 11 .  Mercury Mars

11 .  Moon Chiron (c) 

11, 12 .  Venus (0 CAP) 

12 .  Moon[Uranus] Neptune Node (c) 

14 .  Moon Mars (c) 

15 .  Moon Pluto (c) 

15, 16 .  Sun Mars

16 .  Moon Venus (c) 

16 .  Moon (0 CAN) 

17 .  Moon Saturn (c) 

18 .  Moon Mercury (c) 

19 .  Moon Sun (c) 

21, 22 .  Mercury Pluto 

21 .  Moon Uranus 

Mercury Saturn conjunction reflects Venus  
Uranus Neptune Node - for most of the month

22 .  Moon Jupiter (c)

22, 23 .  Venus Saturn 

23 .  Mercury Venus 

23 .  Moon (0 LIB) 

24 .  Moon Chiron

25 .  Moon Neptune

25 .  Moon Node 

27 .  Moon Mars 

29 .  Moon Venus 

29 .  Moon Pluto

29, 30 .  Sun Venus 

Feel free to leave a question or comment below!
If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

Moon comes to the Mars Pluto conjunction - shortly after it perfects
while Mercury reflects Neptune NOde - and Jupiter reflects Chiron

For help interpreting the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. Or utilize an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints, like this one by John Sandbach. Or just apply your current astrological understanding of the planets. You can think of these pairs as conjunctions; and remember to consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they are symmetrical to the Aries point. However, if you have natal planets on the cardinal axis (or in antiscia) then these connections will be even more pronounced and/or meaningful for you! For instructions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page, or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation.

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.


1   Sun Chiron 

1   Sun Mercury (c) 

Mercury Jupiter is contra-antiscia
While Moon activates the combination at 15 Fixed

1   Moon Node 

1   Moon Neptune

3, 4   Mercury Jupiter (c) 

6   Moon Pluto 

6, 7   Mercury (0 LIB)

7   Moon Mars 

7   Moon (0 CAP)

9   Moon Saturn

10   Moon Venus 

11, 12, 13   Sun Node Neptune


11, 12   Mercury Chiron

12   Moon Uranus (c)

12   Moon Sun Node Neptune

13 -- 24   Jupiter Chiron

13   Moon Mercury 

13   Moon Jupiter 

14   Moon (0 ARI) 

14   Moon Chiron (c) 

15   Moon Node Neptune (c)

18, 19   Mercury Node Neptune

19   Moon Mars Pluto (c)  (Mars Pluto CONJUNCTION)

Moon connects to Saturn reflecting Mars Pluto

20, 21, 22   Mars Saturn 

20   Moon (0 CAN) 

21   Moon Saturn (c) 

22   Moon Venus (c) 

24   Moon Sun (c) 

24   Moon Mercury (c) 

25   Moon Uranus 

Venus Saturn reflects Pluto

25, 26   Venus Mars

26   Moon Jupiter (c) 

26 -- 31 Saturn Pluto 

27   Moon (0 LIB) 

28   Moon Chiron

29   Moon Node Neptune

29, 30   Venus Saturn Pluto 

31 --   Uranus Neptune (c) return to within orb . . . 

Feel free to leave a question or comment below!
If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

Artsy and Love oriented combo: 
Sun Venus in contra-antiscia = Jupiter on the Aries Point (0 Libra)

For help interpreting the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. Or utilize an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints, like this one by John Sandbach. Or just apply your current astrological understanding of the planets. You can think of these pairs as conjunctions; and remember to consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they are symmetrical to the Aries point. However, if you have natal planets on the cardinal axis (or in antiscia) then these connections will be even more pronounced and/or meaningful for you! For instructions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page, or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation.

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.


1   Venus Jupiter (c) 

1, 2, 3, 4   Mars Pluto

2   Moon Venus (c)

2   Moon (0 LIB)

2   Moon MercuryRx Jupiter (c) 

3   Moon Chiron

3, 4   Venus Chiron

4   Moon Sun Node (c)

4   Moon Neptune

4-- 9 --13   Jupiter (0 LIB) 

8, 9   Sun Venus (c)  

9   Moon Pluto 

10   Moon (0 CAP)

11   Moon Mars

11   Moon Saturn

Venus Neptune Node antiscia
On this day: Moon contra-antiscia Uranus

12, 13, 14   Venus Node 

14, 15   Venus Neptune

15   Moon Venus

15   Moon Uranus (c)

16   Moon (0 ARI) 

17   Moon Sun

17   Moon Chiron (c) 

17   Moon MercuryRx

18   Moon Node

18   Moon Neptune (c) 

19, 20   Sun Jupiter (c) 

21, 22, 23   Sun (0 LIB)

22   Moon Pluto (c) 

23   Moon (0 CAN)

23   Moon Mars (c) 

24   Moon Saturn (c) 

26, 27   Mars (0 CAP) 

27   Moon Venus (c)

28   Moon Uranus 

29   Moon Sun (c)

29   Moon Jupiter (c) 

29, 30   Sun Chiron 

30   Moon (0 LIB)

30   Moon Chiron

30   Moon Mercury (c)

30   Sun Mercury (c) 

Feel free to leave a question or comment below!
If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.

Take care.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

Venus Uranus reflection with Sun Moon contra-antiscia

Mercury station retrograde and VENUS Jupiter CONTRA-ANTISCIA + Mars Pluto antiscia   

For help interpreting the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. Or utilize an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints, like this one by John Sandbach. Or just apply your current astrological understanding of the planets. You can think of these pairs as conjunctions; and remember to consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they are symmetrical to the Aries point. However, if you have natal planets on the cardinal axis (or in antiscia) then these connections will be even more pronounced and/or meaningful for you! For instructions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page, or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation.

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.


1   Moon Mars (c)

2, 3   Mercury Uranus

4   Moon Uranus 

6   Moon (0 LIB)

6   Moon Chiron

6   Moon Jupiter (c)

7   Moon Node

7   Moon Mercury (c)

7   Moon Neptune

8   Moon Venus (c)

9, 10   Venus Uranus

9   Moon Sun (c) 

12   Moon Pluto

13   Moon (0 CAP)

15   Moon Saturn

15   Moon Mars 

18   Moon Uranus (c) 

20   Moon (0 ARI)

20   Moon Jupiter

20   Moon Mercury

20   Moon Chiron (c) 

21   Moon Venus

21   Moon Node

21   Moon Neptune (c) 

22   Moon Sun 

25   Moon Pluto (c) 

26   Moon (0 CAN)

27, 28, 29   Sun Uranus

28   Moon Mars (c) 

28   Moon Saturn (c) 

29, 30   Mercury & Venus (29 VIR / 0 LIB)

29, 30, 31   Mercury STATION RX 29°05 VIRGO

30, 31   Venus Jupiter (c) 

31   Moon Uranus

31   Mars Pluto . . .

Feel free to leave a question or comment below!
If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.

Take care.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

Venus Saturn in equal ascension (Contra-antiscia) - while Sun Moon reflect each other 

For help interpreting the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. Or utilize an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints, like this one by John Sandbach. Or just apply your current astrological understanding of the planets. You can think of these pairs as conjunctions; and remember to consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they are symmetrical to the Aries point. However, if you have natal planets on the cardinal axis (or in antiscia) then these connections will be even more pronounced and/or meaningful for you! For instructions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page, or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation.

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.


2   Moon Venus   early morning

2   Moon Pluto (c)   early morning

2, 3   Venus Saturn (c)   

2   Moon Sun   noon

2   Moon Mercury   evening

3   Moon (0 CAN)   morning

4   Moon Saturn (c)   afternoon

5   Moon Mars (c)   night

8   Moon Uranus   early morning

8, 9   Mercury Saturn (c)   

9, 10, 11, 12   Sun Saturn (c) 

10   Moon (0 LIB)   very early morning

10   Moon Chiron   late morning

11   Moon Jupiter (c)   early morning

11   Moon Node   morning

11   Moon Neptune   afternoon

14   Moon Venus (c)   evening

14   Moon Mercury (c)   night

Mercury Venus conjunction at 5/6 Leo shares ascensional time with Mars at 25 Scorpio (aka contra-antiscia) 

+ Moon Pluto reflection at this time

15, 16   Venus Mars (c)  

15 Moon Sun (c)   afternoon

16 Mercury Mars (c)  

16   Moon Pluto   morning

17   Moon (0 CAP)   noon

19   Moon Saturn   early morning 

20   Moon Mars   early morning 

22   Moon Uranus (c)   morning

24   Moon (0 ARI)   morning

24, 25   Sun Mars (c) 

24   Moon Chiron (c)   afternoon 

24   Moon Jupiter   night

25   Moon Node   morning

25   Moon Neptune (c)   noon

26   Moon Mercury   evening

27   Moon Venus   early morning

28   Moon Sun   very early morning 

29   Moon Pluto (c)   noon 

30   Moon (0 CAN)   afternoon

31   Moon Saturn (c)   midnight

Feel free to leave a question or comment below! If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.

Take care.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

New Moon + Venus reflects Pluto
while opposite Saturn = (SA PL contra-antiscia)

Just after the full moon on the Cardinal Axis
+ Mercury reflects Pluto

For help interpreting the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. Or utilize an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints, like this one by John Sandbach. Or just apply your current astrological understanding of the planets. You can think of these pairs as conjunctions; and remember to consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they are symmetrical to the Aries point. However, if you have natal planets on the cardinal axis (or in antiscia) then these connections will be even more pronounced and/or meaningful for you! For instructions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page, or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation.

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia: symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis, aka: equal rising signs.


1 - 14   Saturn Pluto  (perfects: Jun 3-4)  *within 1/2 Degree° orb to Jun 14

1, 2, 3   Sun Pluto (c)   

2, 3, 4   Venus Pluto (c) 

4   Moon Pluto (c)   evening 

(4 New Moon  14GEM54 - conjunct Venus)

5   Moon (0 CAN)   night

6   Moon Sun|Venus   evening

7   Moon Saturn (c)   early morning

8   Moon Mars (c)   morning

8   Moon Mercury   morning

10   Moon Uranus   evening

12   Moon (0 LIB)   evening

13   Moon Node   night

13   Moon Jupiter (c)   late night

14   Moon Neptune   morning

Sun Venus reflection while Moon picks up Saturn Pluto

17   Venus (0 CAN)

18   Sun Venus   night

18   Moon Pluto   night

19   Moon Venus (c)   late night

20   Moon (0 CAP)   morning  (Full Moon  29SAG33

20   Moon Sun (c)   morning

20   Sun (0 CAN)  *SOLSTICE

20, 21   Mercury Pluto (c)  

Moon meets up with Mercury Pluto in contra-antiscia + Saturn

21   Moon Mercury (c)   morning

21   Moon Saturn   afternoon

23   Moon Mars   early morning

24, 25   Mercury Venus  

25   Moon Uranus (c)   morning

26, 27   Sun Mercury 

27   Moon (0 ARI)   midnight

27   Moon Jupiter   late night

28   Moon Node   midnight 

28   Moon Neptune (c)   morning

29   Mercury (0 CAN) 


Feel free to leave a question or comment below! If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.

Take care.



Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  


The return of Saturn Pluto in antiscia... 
+ On this day, the Moon reflects Mercury on the cardinal axis (both = 15 fixed) 

For help interpreting the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. Or utilize an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints, like this one by John Sandbach. Or just apply your current astrological understanding of the planets. You can think of these pairs as conjunctions; and remember to consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they are symmetrical to the Aries point. However, if you have natal planets on the cardinal axis (or in antiscia) then these connections are likely even more pronounced and meaningful for you! For instructions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page, or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation.

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia - the symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.


1   Moon Venus (c)   early morning

1   Moon Uranus (c)   night

3   Moon (0 ARI)   morning

3   Moon Chiron (c)   night

4   Moon Node   early morning

4   Moon Jupiter   noon 

4   Moon Neptune (c)   afternoon

(6   New Moon  16TAU42 - 45 degrees from Uranus Neptune midpoint)  See chart:

New Moon on the 90 degree dial
falls 45 degrees from the Ur Ne midpoint

8   Moon Pluto (c)   morning 

9   Moon (0 CAN)   late morning 

10   Moon Saturn (c)   noon

11   Moon Mars (c)   early morning

12   Moon Sun   early morning 

12   Moon Mercury   noon

12   Moon Venus   afternoon

(12   Saturn Pluto - connection = one degree)

14   Moon Uranus   afternoon

16   Moon (0 LIB)   late morning

16   Moon Chiron   late night

17   Moon Node   morning 

17   Moon Jupiter (c)   night

18   Moon Neptune   late night

22   Moon Pluto   afternoon

23   Moon (0 CAP)   late night

24-31   Saturn Pluto

25   Moon Saturn   early morning

25   Moon Sun (c)   night

26   Moon Venus (c)   early morning

26   Moon Mars   morning

27   Moon Mercury (c)   late morning  -15 fixed

29   Moon Uranus (c)   early morning

30   Moon (0 ARI)   evening

31   Moon Chiron (c)   early morning

31   Moon Node   afternoon

31   Moon Jupiter   night

31   *Saturn Pluto (within 10 min arc of orb)  

Feel free to leave a question or comment below! If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.

Take care.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

For help interpreting the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. Or utilize an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints, like this one by John Sandbach. Or just apply your current astrological understanding of the planets. You can think of these pairs as conjunctions; and remember to consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they are symmetrical to the Aries point. However, if you have natal planets on the cardinal axis (or in antiscia) then these connections are likely even more pronounced and meaningful for you! For instructions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page, or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation.

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia - the symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.


+ Uranus Neptune (c) *within one degree orb until April 16

1   Moon Mars   morning

2, 3, 4, 5   Sun Jupiter

4   Moon Mercury (c)  early morning

4   Moon Uranus (c)  afternoon 

4   Moon Sun (c)  late night

5   Venus  (0 ARI) 

5   Moon  (0 ARI)  12:00a

6   Moon Chiron (c)  noon

6   Moon Node   afternoon

6   Moon Jupiter   midnight

7   Moon Neptune (c)  morning

7, 8, 9   Sun Neptune (c) 

10, 11   Venus Chiron (c) 

10   Moon Pluto (c)   evening

12   Moon  (0 CAN)  1:00a

12, 13, 14   Venus Node

13   Moon Saturn (c)  very early

13   Moon Mars (c)  afternoon

15   Moon Mercury   morning

16   Moon Sun   night

17   Moon Uranus   morning

17, 18, 19   Venus Jupiter

17   Moon Venus   night

19   Moon  (0 LIB)  4:00a

19, 20, 21   Venus Neptune (c) 

19   Moon Chiron   evening 

20   Moon Node   early morning 

20   Moon Jupiter (c)  afternoon

20   Moon Neptune   evening 

25   Moon Pluto   morning 

26   Moon  (0 CAP)  5:00p

27   Moon Saturn   night

28   Moon Mars   morning 

29   Moon Mercury (c)  afternoon

30   Moon Sun (c)  noon

Feel free to leave a question or comment below! If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.

Take care.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

Aries Ingress
Sun = Uranus Venus Neptune

Psychedelic Love on the Cardinal Axis for the New Year
. . . let's make it Creative, Innovative, Mystical & Merciful
(not drugged, dazed, and disillusioned)

For help interpreting the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. Or utilize an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints, like this one by John Sandbach. Or just apply your current astrological understanding of the planets. You can think of these pairs as conjunctions; and remember to consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they are symmetrical to the Aries point. However, if you have natal planets on the cardinal axis (or in antiscia) then these connections are likely even more pronounced and meaningful for you! For instructions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page, or you can contact me for a mentoring session or consultation.

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia - the symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.


(Saturn Pluto in parallel declination continues through the month)

+ Uranus Neptune (c) *within one degree of orb for the month

1   Sun Uranus (c) 

1   Moon Pluto   evening

3   Moon  (0 CAP)  2:00a

4   Moon Saturn   early morning

5   Moon Mars   morning

8   Moon Uranus (c)   morning

8   New Moon Total Solar Eclipse  18°56' Pisces  5:54p

Total Solar Eclipse

9   Moon  (0 ARI)  noon

9   Moon Node   midnight

10   Moon Jupiter   morning

10   Moon Sun Chiron (c)   early morning

10   Moon Mercury Neptune (c)   night

11, 12   Mercury Uranus (c)  

11   Moon Venus (c)   noon

14   Uranus Neptune (c)  *orb within half a degree

14   Moon Pluto (c)   noon

15   Moon  (0 CAN)  6:00p

ARies Ingress Chart - for USA
In addition to powerful contra-antiscia of Uranus Neptune with Venus = Sun (chart at top of page) 
We see peregrine Mars rising (Lord of 5th and 12th house) 
and Jupiter in detriment culminates (Lord of 1st and 4th house) with Rahu
Ketu (south node) conjoins Chiron Ceres and Mercury in fall at the bottom of the chart (4th=home land) 

16   Moon Saturn (c)   evening

17   Moon Mars (c)   evening

19, 20   Sun (ARIES INGRESS)  9:30p

19, 20, 21   Venus Uranus (c)   noon

20, 21   Sun Mercury (c)   noon

21   Moon Uranus   morning 

21   Mercury (0 ARI)  5:00p

22   Moon Sun Mercury   afternoon/evening

22   Moon  (0 LIB)  10:00p

23   Full Moon Lunar Eclipse  3°17' Aries/Libra  5:00a

Lunar Eclipse

23   Moon Node Chiron   afternoon/evening

24   Moon Jupiter (c)   very early morning

24   Moon Venus   early morning

24   Moon Neptune afternoon

25, 26   Mercury Node Chiron (c)

27, 28   Sun Chiron (c)  

27   Mercury Venus (c)  

28, 29   Sun Node   

28, 29   Sun Venus (c)  

28, 29   Mercury Jupiter

29   Moon Pluto   very early morning

30   Moon  (0 CAP)  11:00a

30, 31   Mercury Neptune (c) 

31   Moon Saturn   noon

Feel free to leave a question or comment below! If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.

Take care. 


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

simultaneous reflections: Sun Mars - Saturn Pluto - Moon Mercury

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they are symmetrical to the Aries point. However, if you have natal planets on the cardinal axis (or in antiscia) then these connections are likely even more pronounced and meaningful for you! For directions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page, or contact me for a mentoring session or consultation

For help interpreting the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. Or utilize an online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints, like this one by John Sandbach. Or just apply your current astrological understanding of the planets, you can think of these pairs as conjunctions, and remember to consider their shared or reflected dignity and reception. 

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia - the symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7  Saturn Pluto  (within 1° orb to Feb 18 and in parallel declination thru the month)

Venus connects with the Saturn Pluto antiscia
= Moon at zero Capricorn

1   Moon Sun   morning

2, 3   Sun Mars

3   Moon Mercury   morning

3   Moon Pluto   noon 

3   Moon Venus   afternoon 

4, 5   Venus Saturn  [w/Pluto]

4   Moon  (0 CAP)  4:44p

5   Moon Saturn   evening

7   Moon Mars   evening 

8   New Moon  19°16' Aquarius  6:39a   Happy Chinese New Year! - Year of the Fire Monkey

9   Moon Uranus (c)   evening 

New Moon dominated in partile square by Mars in Scorpio
as it's the sign of the moon's fall: the public or populace may feel down or damaged (or 'the feminine' takes another hit)

New Moon is also in close sextile to Uranus in Aries
Aries, the sign of the Sun's exaltation, makes uranus work for the Sun, change coming

11   Moon  (0 ARI)  1:55a

11   Moon Node Jupiter   afternoon

11   Moon Chiron (c)   evening 

12   Moon Neptune (c)   afternoon 

13   Moon Sun (c)   afternoon 

15   Moon Mercury (c)   very early morning

15   Moon Venus (c)   morning 

16   Moon Pluto (c)   morning

17   Moon  (0 CAN)  11:24a

18   Mercury Mars   afternoon

18   Moon Saturn (c)   afternoon

20   Moon Mars (c)   very early morning 

20, 21   Venus Mars

22   Full Moon  3°34' Virgo  10:20a

23   Moon Uranus   very early morning 

24   Moon  (0 LIB)   2:41p

25   Moon Node Chiron   morning

25   Moon Jupiter (c)   late morning 

26   Moon Sun Neptune   morning-noon

27   Moon Mercury   late night 

28   Moon Venus   morning 

29   Sun Uranus (c) 

Feel free to leave a question or comment below! If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.

Take care. 


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...  

Mercury Pluto conjunction is antiscia Saturn at the time of the Full Moon while Venus enters Capricorn (= cardinal axis)

This month there are two additional [longer-standing] passes of Mercury antiscia Saturn (they first connected briefly in December right after the solstice -- and so feature in the Capricorn ingress chart). Pluto is part of the combination this time however, so it's also Saturn and Pluto connecting across the cardinal axis. These repetitive contacts interest me given the players: Mercury Pluto in Saturn's domicile (Capricorn) in aversion (cannot see) but antiscia to Saturn posited in Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter in its detriment). 

In Reinhold Ebertin's classic The Combination of Stellar Influences, we find descriptions for Mercury Saturn = Pluto as "the tendency to toil or grapple with unusual and special problems, the inclination to brood over one's destiny, plans determine a person's destiny." And for Saturn Pluto = Mercury, we find "the urge to do research work, thoroughness, taciturnity, -- the desire to solve difficult problems."

Many people are grappling with big issues right now. And a lot of these issues or concerns are very complex; some of them are out of our hands, and/or are difficult to see clearly; others are so large it's near impossible to know what exactly to do next....

Can the chaos, uncertainty, and instability of the time shake us even more awake?

A favorite artist of mine, Gillian Welch, has a powerful Saturn Pluto antiscia in her own natal chart (along with other antiscia connections: Mercury Jupiter, Node Venus, and Sun Pluto---i.e., she has the Sun and Saturn in exact opposition). In the spirit of Saturn Pluto, I'd like to share this song with you. 

With many big combinations and current events up right now, it seems silly to pick one or two, but there is another that strikes me as strangely important: it's the repeating connection of Mercury in trine to Jupiter (first connection: Dec. 25, second trine: Jan. 14, and third pass: Feb. 6th). I find it noteworthy because the exchange is a mixed one: Jupiter in Mercury's place of dignity (Virgo) while Mercury sees Jupiter from the sign of Jupiter's fall (Capricorn). One half of the partnership seems to be at the mercy of the other, and it is a challenging or uncomfortable connection, yet it has to happen. What or who does Mercury signify here? And, Jupiter? 

You'll note there are several additional charts below, including for the new moon on Jan. 9, which is antiscia the Venus Saturn conjunction. You'll see the charts for the two remaining Mercury Pluto conjunctions antiscia Saturn, and for when Mars joins the party- coming to the axis (at 15 fixed, Scorpio) at the end of the month. Hold on..

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia - the symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.

For help with interpretation of the pairs listed below, you may want to refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures, or this nice online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints by John Sandbach.

These planetary pairs are active for everyone as they occur on the cardinal axis, i.e., symmetrical to the Aries point. If you have personal planets on the cardinal axis, or in antiscia, they are likely even more pronounced and meaningful for you. For directions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page; or contact me for a mentoring session or consultation

* Lunar conjunctions (not antiscia) are bracketed [ ] below. I've included them here for a quick reference!


1   Moon Node   morning

1   Moon Jupiter (c)   noon

1   Moon Chiron   night

2   Moon Neptune   night

3   [Moon Mars] 

5   Moon rxMercury   evening

6   [Moon Venus]

6   [Moon Saturn]

7   Moon Sun|Pluto   very early morning

7, 8   Sun Saturn

8   Moon  (0 CAP)  7:07a

8, 9   Sun Venus

9   [Moon Pluto]

9   Moon Venus|Saturn   afternoon

9   New Moon  19°13' Capricorn  5:30p

10, 11   Venus Pluto

10   [Moon rxMercury]

12   Moon Mars   morning

13   [Moon Neptune]

13   Moon Uranus (c)   afternoon

13   [Moon Chiron]

14   [Moon Ketu]

14   Moon  (0 ARI)  6:48p

15   Moon Node|Jupiter   morning

15   Moon Chiron (c)   afternoon

15   [Moon Uranus]

16   Moon Neptune (c)   morning

19   Moon Sun (c)   early morning

19   Moon rxMercury|Pluto (c)   night

19, 20, 21, 22   rxMercury Saturn

2127, 28, 29, 30, 31   Saturn Pluto

21   Moon  (0 CAN)  5:28a

21   Moon Venus (c)   morning

22   Moon Saturn (c)   morning

23   Venus  (0 CAP) 

23   Full Moon  03°29' Leo  5:46p

24   Moon Mars (c)   night

26   Moon Uranus   night

27   [Moon Jupiter]

27   [Moon Rahu]

27, 28, 29, 30   Mercury Saturn

28   Moon  (0 LIB)  6:59a

28   Moon Node|Jupiter (c)   night

29   Moon Chiron   morning

30   Moon Neptune   early morning

30, 31   Mars  (15 SCO)

Feel free to leave a question or comment below! And if you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...   


Sun comes to 0 Capricorn whilst Mars Neptune are antiscia
and Mercury Saturn move into antiscion
At its highest manifestation, a deep and contemplative time, otherwise: crunchy

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia - the symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.

For help with interpretation of the pairs listed below, please refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. And here is a nice online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints by John Sandbach.

Planetary pairs are active for everyone as they occur on the cardinal axis, i.e., symmetrical to the Aries point. If you have personal planets on the cardinal axis, or in antiscia, they may be even more pronounced and meaningful for you. For directions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page; or contact me for a mentoring session or consultation

* Lunar conjunctions (not antiscia) are bracketed [ ] below. I've included them here for a quick reference!


1   Mercury Pluto

2   Moon Venus (c)   morning

2, 3, 4, 5   Mars Chiron 

3   Moon Uranus   morning

3   Moon Mars (c)   noon

3   [Moon Jupiter] 

4   [Moon Rahu] 

4   Moon  (0 LIB)  2:34p

4   Moon Node   night

5   Moon Jupiter (c)   morning

5   [Moon Mars] 

5   Moon Chiron   evening

6   Moon Neptune   noon

7   [Moon Venus]   

7, 8   Sun Pluto 

9   Mercury  (0 CAP) 

10   [Moon Saturn]   

10   Moon Pluto   night

11   New Moon  19°03' Sagittarius  2:29a

11   Moon Mercury   evening

11   Moon  (0 CAP)  10:47p

12   [Moon Mercury]   

12   Moon Sun afternoon

13   [Moon Pluto] 

13   Moon Saturn   afternoon

14   Sun Mercury 

15   Moon Venus   noon

16   [Moon Neptune]

17   Moon Mars   early morning 

17   Moon Uranus (c)   morning

17   [Moon Chiron]

18   [Moon Ketu]

18   Moon  (0 ARI)  1:26p

18   Moon Node   evening

19   Moon Jupiter   early morning

19   Moon Chiron (c)   morning

19   [Moon Uranus]

19, 20, 21, 22   Mars Neptune 

20   Moon Neptune (c)  early morning

21   Sun  (0 CAP)  *SOLSTICE

22, 23   Mercury Saturn 

23   Moon Mercury (c)   morning

23   Moon Pluto (c)  evening

24   Moon Sun (c)  afternoon

25   Moon  (0 CAN)  9:26p

25   Full Moon  3°20' Cancer  3:11a

26 Moon Saturn (c)  morning

27 Moon Venus (c)   morning

29 Moon Mars (c)   afternoon

30   Moon Uranus   afternoon

30, 31   Mercury Venus 

31   [Moon Jupiter] 

31   [Moon Rahu] 

31   Moon  (0 LIB)  10:41p

Feel free to leave a question or comment below! And if you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...   

Venus Mars Node on the cardinal axis
+ Sun Mercury antiscia around the 15 Scorpio point

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less.
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia - the symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.

For help with interpretation of the pairs listed below, please refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. And here is a nice online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints by John Sandbach.

Planetary pairs are active for everyone as they occur on the cardinal axis, i.e., symmetrical to the Aries point. If you have personal planets on the cardinal axis, or in antiscia, they may be even more pronounced and meaningful for you. For directions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page; or contact me for a mentoring session or consultation

* Lunar conjunctions (not antiscia) are bracketed [ ] below. I've included them here for a quick reference!


3   Moon Sun (c)   evening

4   Moon Mercury (c)   morning

5   Moon Uranus   morning

6   [Moon Jupiter] 

7   [Moon Mars] 

7   [Moon Rahu]

7   Moon Venus (c)   morning

7   Moon  (0 LIB)  7:14a

7   Moon Node   morning

7   Moon Mars (c)   morning

7, 8, 9   Venus  (0 LIB) 

8   Moon Chiron   morning

8   Moon Jupiter (c)   morning

8, 9, 10   Venus Node 

9   Moon Neptune   early morning

9, 10   Venus Mars (c) 

11, 12, 13   Mars  (0 LIB) 

11   [Moon Mercury]   

11   New Moon  19°01' Scorpio

12   [Moon Saturn]   

13   Moon Pluto   noon

14, 15, 16   Mars Node

14   Moon  (0 CAP)  4:21p

15   [Moon Pluto] 

16   Moon Saturn   afternoon

17   Moon Sun|Mercury   morning

19, 20   Venus Chiron

19   [Moon Neptune]

20   Moon Uranus (c)   very early morning

20   [Moon Chiron]

20   Moon Venus   morning

20   Moon Mars   late night

21   [Moon Ketu]

21   Moon  (0 ARI)  7:12a

21   Moon Node noon

Mars Jupiter contra-antiscia
Venus Neptune antiscia (meets up with the Saturn Neptune exact square aspect) 

21   Moon Jupiter   late night

22   Moon Chiron (c)   early morning

22   [Moon Uranus] 

22   Moon Neptune (c)   night

26   Moon Pluto (c)   noon

26, 27, 28, 29   Mars Jupiter (c) 

27   Moon  (0 CAN)  11:27a

27, 28, 29   Venus Neptune

28   Moon Mercury (c)   evening

29   Moon Sun|Saturn (c)  very early morning

30   Mercury Pluto

Please feel free to leave a question or comment below!  
If you're interested in a private consultation or mentoring session, please contact me.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...   

New Moon contra-antiscion Mars
Sun is just past opposition with Uranus
Mars Uranus Antiscia is exact on the 13th

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • Bold dates indicate a particular planetary expression is exact (within 10 minutes of arc).
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal or fifteen degrees fixed (the midpoint), and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia - the symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.

For help with interpretation of the pairs listed below, please refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. And here is a nice online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints by John Sandbach.

Planetary pairs are active for everyone as they occur on the cardinal axis, i.e., symmetrical to the Aries point. If you have personal planets on the cardinal axis, or in antiscia, they may be even more pronounced and meaningful for you. For directions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page; or contact me for a mentoring session or consultation

* Lunar conjunctions (not antiscia) are bracketed [ ] below. I've included them here for a quick reference!


1–8   Jupiter Uranus (exact on Oct 1-2)

1thru the month   Node (0 ARI/LIB)

2   Moon Pluto (c)   evening  

3   Moon (0 CAN)  5:22p

4, 5, 6   Sun Chiron

5   Moon Saturn (c)   late night

8   [Moon Venus]   

8, 9, 10   MercuryRX Node (0 LIB)  (Mercury stations direct on cardinal axis: 0°54' Libra)

9   [Moon Mars] 

9   Moon Uranus   morning

9   [Moon Jupiter] 

9   Moon Sun   evening

9, 10   Sun Jupiter 

10   Moon MercuryRX   late night 

11   [Moon Rahu] (North Node)  (0 LIB)  1:46a

11   [Moon MercuryRX] 

11, 12, 13, 14, 15   Mars Uranus

11, 12   Sun Mars  (Sun Uranus opposition)

12   Moon Chiron   early morning

12   Moon Jupiter (c)   noon

12   Moon Mars (c)   afternoon   (New Moon c-a Mars)

12   New Moon  19°20' Libra  5:06p

13   Moon Neptune   very early morning

Sun Neptune antiscia
while Sun is contra-Antiscion Venus
= Venus opposition Neptune

13   Moon Venus (c)   morning

15, 16   Sun Venus (c)

15, 16, 17   Sun Neptune 

16   [Moon Saturn] 

17   Moon Pluto   morning

18   Moon  (0 CAP)  11:52a

19   [Moon Pluto] 

20   Moon Saturn   noon

21, 22   Venus Uranus 

21, 22   Mercury Chiron 

21, 22   Mercury Mars (c) 

22   Moon Sun   late night

23   [Moon Neptune] 

23   Mercury Jupiter (c) 

26   Moon Uranus (c)   evening

23   Moon Mercury   late night

24   Mercury Venus (c) 

24   [Moon Chiron] 

24   [Moon Ketu] (South Node)

24   Moon  (0 ARI)  11:22p

25   Moon Mars   afternoon 

25   Moon Chiron (c)   evening

25   Moon Venus/Jupiter   late night

26   [Moon Uranus] 

26   Moon Neptune (c)   noon

27   Full Moon3°45' Taurus (exaltation degree of the Moon)  5:05a

28, 29   Mercury Neptune 

30   Moon Pluto (c)   very early morning  

31   Moon (0 CAN)  2:09a

You are welcome to leave a question or comment below - or contact me privately here.


Reflections / Shadows / Symmetries  =  Antiscia

Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect each other across the cardinal axis. This axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: the zero degree entry point of each cardinal sign. The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun and is a point we all share. It is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic, which is the sun's path (i.e., the tropical zodiac), and the earth's equator. Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect or conjunction, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for everyone. Therefore planets in antiscia can provide insight into the energy of the day, as well as help to enrich your natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...   

Moon joins the Jupiter Uranus antiscia
Nodes are on the Aries point for much of September + October

To use the list of antiscia below, simply blend the meanings of planets in combination. 

  • Bold dates indicate a particular planetary expression is exact (within 10 minutes of arc).
  • Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it's at zero cardinal or fifteen degrees fixed (the midpoint), and ought to feature prominently that day).
  • Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia - the symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.

For help with interpretation of the pairs listed below, please refer to a book like The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, or Alfred Witte's Rules For Planetary Pictures. And here is a nice online resource for planetary pairs and midpoints by John Sandbach.

Planetary pairs are active for everyone as they occur on the cardinal axis, i.e., symmetrical to the Aries point. If you have personal planets on the cardinal axis, or in antiscia, they may be even more pronounced and meaningful for you. For directions on how to find these points in a chart, please see the Description page; or contact me for a mentoring session or consultation

* Lunar conjunctions (not antiscia) are bracketed [ ] below. I've included them here for a quick reference!


1   [Moon Uranus]

1   Moon Sun    morning

1   Moon Neptune (c)  noon

1   Moon Jupiter   evening

1, 2, 3   Sun Uranus

2   Moon Mars   late night

3   Moon VenusRx early morning

5   Moon Pluto (c)   morning  

5, 6, 7   Mercury Chiron 

6   Moon (0 CAN)   10:40a

8   Moon Saturn (c)   night

9, 10   Sun Mercury (c) 

10   [Moon Venus] 

10   [Moon Mars] 

11   [Moon Jupiter] 

12   Moon Uranus   early morning

12   Moon Mercury (c)   afternoon

12   *New Moon Solar Eclipse  20°10' Virgo  11:41p

13   Moon N.Node (c)   afternoon

13   Moon  (0 LIB)   7:41p

13   [Moon N.Node] 

14   Moon Sun (c)   noon

14   Moon Chiron   evening

15   [Moon Mercury] 

15   Moon Jupiter (c)   afternoon

15   Moon Neptune   evening

16   Moon Mars (c)   evening

17   Moon Venus (c)   noon

18   [Moon Saturn] 

20   Moon Pluto   morning

20--thru end of month   Node (0 ARI/LIB)

21, 22   Sun Node

21   Moon  (0 CAP)   5:33a

22, 23   Sun   (0 LIB)   1:21a

23   Moon Saturn   morning

25, 26, 27   Mercury Chiron

26   [Moon Neptune]

26--thru end of month   Jupiter Uranus 

26   Moon Uranus (c)   morning

26   Moon MercuryRx 

26   [Moon Chiron]

27   Moon Sun    morning

27   Moon N.Node   morning

27   Moon  (0 ARI)   12:29p

28   Moon Chiron (c)   morning

28   Moon Jupiter[Uranus]   evening

29   Moon Neptune (c)   very early morning

29   Moon Mars   morning

29   Moon Venus night


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