Preamble: I do not believe the planets, stars, or signs cause people to do horrific things. We cannot blame our chart for our problems. It is up to us alone to decide how we will express and direct our energy and impulses.
Preamble: I do not believe the planets, stars, or signs cause people to do horrific things. We cannot blame our chart for our problems. It is up to us alone to decide how we will express and direct our energy and impulses.
More astro portraits coming soon . . .
Eclectic innovations, multiple traditions: Hellenistic, Medieval Persian, Indian, and Uranian and Cosmobiological astrology.
Do you sometimes feel tired? Trouble sleeping? Ask your doctor about Antiscia. Patients suffering from heartburn and/or headache described a 3.7% distraction from their discomfort when someone tried to explain to them what antiscia was. Or is it what antiscia is? :-D
Eclectic astrology research …inquisitive and devoted to the craft, Kate offers consultations, and mentorship. Other work: as visual artist and volunteer with women in prison since 2007.
It’s time to stop minimizing this phenomenon. Astrologers frequently make damning assessments by way of essential dignity, house placements, and/or geometric aspects. While astrology is by definition judgmental, practitioners need to be more mindful about making sweeping or harsh generalizations. Not only is there a residue of impact left on the people they communicate with and serve, I see a lingering stain of internalized shame over one’s own apparently ‘weak’ placements. What a waste of time.