personal points on the cardinal axis : Abe Lincoln


I will use President Abraham Lincoln as an example to illuminate the power of Personal Points on the cardinal axis. But first a quick description of the personal points and the cardinal axis.

In Uranian Astrology (aka Symmetrical Astrology) personal points are a big deal. The six personal points are the Sun, Moon, the moon's Node[s], Midheaven (MC), Ascendant (AS), and Aries Point (meaning, zero degrees of any cardinal sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).  

Through the personal points we connect to things. Through the Sun we connect via our will, purpose, body. Through the Moon we connect through our feelings, emotions, and perception. The Ascendant connects us to our locale, our immediate environment, and the people in our environment. Through the MC we find our sense of "I" or "My," our soul connectedness; it is the place within, and a place we see the world from; and in a way I like to think of the MC as connecting us to spirit. The Nodes are all about connections or unions by themselves, showing us how and with whom we'll connect. And finally the Aries Point, which is both the cardinal axis and the intersection of two great circles (Ecliptic and Equator), is the way in which everyone and everything connects in and to the world. The Aries Point is the personal point we all share.

My teacher Gary Christen would say a person who has personal points on the cardinal axis will be very visible and known in the world. Though having personal points connected to the axis is not a requirement of visibility, you do find it shows up frequently, and is always descriptive of the way one connects to the world. In a minute you will see that President Lincoln serves as a great example of this.

What does it mean (technically) to have personal points on the cardinal axis? When we say a person has points on the axis we're not limiting this to their having planets or angles at precisely 0 degrees of the cardinal signs (or 29 mutable), though that works too. We're interested in whether they have personal points engaged and reflected around the axis as well. This is called antiscia: when points fall on either side of a 0 degree cardinal point in perfect symmetry

Note: Zero degrees Cancer/Capricorn are Solstice Points - zero Aries/Libra = [Equinox] Equinoctial points

And Antiscia, sometimes referred to as Solstice Points, have been used for a very long time. Hellenistic authors refer to them not infrequently. 

As an example, in the chart for today, we see that Mars resides at less than 1 degree Cancer. This means that Mars sits directly on the cardinal axis. 




And in another recent example, the chart for the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2011, we can see several points are in antiscia to one another on the cardinal axis.


Here we find Node Pluto in anitscia, and also Jupiter Ascendant (Note: AS is only relevant in the immediate locale - here in Seattle. Lucky us.) Node Pluto would be indicative of transformative and powerful connections, changing connections, possibly concealed or subversive connections, and likely some big developments and/or power struggles. 

Back to Abe. 

Let's first look at his chart on the classic pie wheel.

If the birth time we have for Lincoln is correct, we notice right away the powerfully angular Sun in Aquarius rising, and the Moon above the ascendant in Capricorn in the twelfth house. I find Saturn at the top of the chart (with Neptune) a very interesting feature, as it resides in the famous Gauquelin sector. Isn't Saturn so very appropriate for Lincoln? From his stature, to issues with melancholy, his reflective nature, social commitment, and responsibilities... And both the Sun and Moon of course disposit to that Saturn. I find it also quite fascinating that all five of the innermost planets, Sun through Mars, are in detriment (opposite the signs they rule). Just one planet, Jupiter, is in its own domicile (Pisces). 

Now let's look at the chart on the 360 degree dial. 

Look at those personal points! 

At first glance we see 4 of the 5 personal points sitting in reflection on the axis. The Sun lies antiscia to the Node, general connections in the public, to reach out and make contact, meetings with others. The Moon is antiscia to Saturn, connecting with laboring and suppressed people, work with the public (Moon), a public administrator; also feeling inhibited, somber, or lonely; and since it is the Moon this can also describe the woman he relates to (think of his wife and some of her difficulties). And- Ascendant to Node, connections with many in one's environment, many acquaintances, even a kind of 'group identity.'

We can also see that he has a powerful Venus Jupiter contra-antiscia. Lincoln literally saved the Union. 

Upon even closer examination- if you see where the tiny black dot is by the MC, the fifth and final point, the Midheaven, is actually pulled onto the axis at 22.5 degrees. 

This is easier to see on the 90 degree wheel:

If this birth time is indeed accurate, both the Ascendant and Midheaven stand on the axis, meaning President Lincoln has every single personal point on the cardinal axis.

We can most definitely say he is a man known in the world.

In concluding this post, I find it somewhat interesting that his Node is due to his Sun by solar arc . . .

Is he connecting with the world again?   ;-) 

The chart (the moment) (the person) (the connection) lives on . . .

Be well.